% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/annotations.R \name{label} \alias{label} \title{Label for annotations} \usage{ label( text = NULL, borderColor = NULL, borderWidth = NULL, textAnchor = NULL, position = NULL, offsetX = NULL, offsetY = NULL, background = NULL, color = NULL, fontSize = NULL, fontWeight = NULL, fontFamily = NULL, cssClass = NULL, padding = c(2, 5, 2, 5) ) } \arguments{ \item{text}{Text for the annotation label.} \item{borderColor}{Border color for the label.} \item{borderWidth}{Border width for the label.} \item{textAnchor}{The alignment of text relative to label's drawing position.} \item{position}{Available options: left or right.} \item{offsetX}{Sets the left offset for annotation label.} \item{offsetY}{Sets the top offset for annotation label.} \item{background}{Background Color for the annotation label.} \item{color}{ForeColor for the annotation label.} \item{fontSize}{FontSize for the annotation label.} \item{fontWeight}{Font-weight for the annotation label.} \item{fontFamily}{Font-family for the annotation label.} \item{cssClass}{A custom Css Class to give to the annotation label elements.} \item{padding}{Padding for the label: top, right, bottom, left.} } \value{ A \code{list} that can be used in \code{\link{add_shade}}. } \description{ Label for annotations }