#' Create a box with a sparkline #' #' @param data A \code{data.frame}-like object with at least two columns, #' first is mapped to x-axis, second to y-axis. #' @param title Title to display in the box. #' @param subtitle Subtitle to display in the box. #' @param color Color of the chart. #' @param background Background color of the box. #' @param type Type of chart, currently type supported are : #' \code{"area"} (default), \code{"line"}, \code{"spline"}. #' @param synchronize Give a common id to charts to synchronize them (tooltip and zoom). #' @param title_style,subtitle_style A \code{list} of named attributes to style #' the title / subtitle, possible values are \code{fontSize}, #' \code{fontWeight}, \code{fontFamily}, \code{color}. #' @param width,height A numeric input in pixels. #' @param elementId Use an explicit element ID for the widget. #' #' @return An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @export #' #' @note In Shiny use \code{sparkBoxOutput} / \code{renderSparkBox} to render boxes, see example. #' Boxes have CSS class \code{"apexcharter-spark-box"} if you need more styling. #' #' @importFrom htmlwidgets sizingPolicy #' @importFrom rlang sym #' @importFrom ggplot2 aes #' #' @example examples/spark_box.R spark_box <- function(data, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, color = "#2E93fA", background = "#FFF", type = c("area", "line", "spline"), synchronize = NULL, title_style = NULL, subtitle_style = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL) { type <- match.arg(type) data <- as.data.frame(data) if (ncol(data) < 2) stop("'data' must have at least two columns!", call. = FALSE) x_var <- names(data)[1] y_var <- names(data)[2] spark <- apex( data = data, aes(x = !!sym(x_var), y = !!sym(y_var)), type = type, auto_update = config_update(update_options = TRUE) ) spark <- ax_chart( ax = spark, sparkline = list(enabled = TRUE), group = synchronize ) spark <- ax_colors(spark, color) if (!is.null(title)) { if (is.null(title_style)) title_style <- list(fontSize = "24px") if (is.null(title_style$fontSize)) title_style$fontSize <- "24px" spark <- ax_title( ax = spark, text = title, style = title_style ) } if (!is.null(subtitle)) { if (is.null(subtitle_style)) subtitle_style <- list(fontSize = "14px") if (is.null(subtitle_style$fontSize)) subtitle_style$fontSize <- "14px" spark <- ax_subtitle( ax = spark, text = subtitle, style = subtitle_style ) } spark$x$sparkbox <- list( color = color, background = background ) spark$sizingPolicy <- htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy( defaultWidth = "100%", defaultHeight = "160px", viewer.defaultHeight = "160px", viewer.defaultWidth = "100%", viewer.fill = FALSE, knitr.figure = FALSE, knitr.defaultWidth = "100%", knitr.defaultHeight = "160px", browser.fill = FALSE, viewer.suppress = FALSE, browser.external = TRUE, padding = 15 ) return(spark) } #' @rdname apexcharter-shiny #' @export sparkBoxOutput <- function(outputId, width = "100%", height = "160px"){ htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "apexcharter", width, height, package = "apexcharter") } #' @rdname apexcharter-shiny #' @export renderSparkBox <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) { if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr, apexchartOutput, env, quoted = TRUE) }