% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/apex-options.R \name{pie_opts} \alias{pie_opts} \title{Pie options} \usage{ pie_opts(size = NULL, donut = NULL, customScale = NULL, offsetX = NULL, offsetY = NULL, dataLabels = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{size}{Numeric. Custom size of the pie which will override the default size calculations.} \item{donut}{List with two fields \code{size} (Donut / ring size in percentage relative to the total pie area.) and \code{background} (The background color of the pie).} \item{customScale}{Numeric. Transform the scale of whole pie/donut overriding the default calculations.} \item{offsetX}{Numeric. Sets the left offset of the whole pie area.} \item{offsetY}{Numeric. Sets the top offset of the whole pie area.} \item{dataLabels}{List with field \code{offset} (Numeric, Offset by which labels will move outside / inside of the donut area)} \item{...}{Additional parameters.} } \description{ Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. } \note{ See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/pie/}. } \examples{ library(dplyr) data("mpg", package = "ggplot2") apex(count(mpg, cyl), aes(cyl, n), type = "donut") \%>\% ax_plotOptions( pie = pie_opts( donut = list(size = "90\%", background = "#BABABA") ) ) }