# ApexCharts options ------------------------------------------------------ #' Events options #' #' @param click Fires when user clicks on any area of the chart. #' @param beforeMount Fires before the chart has been drawn on screen. #' @param mounted Fires after the chart has been drawn on screen. #' @param updated Fires when the chart has been dynamically updated. #' @param legendClick Fires when user clicks on legend. #' @param selection Fires when user selects rect using the selection tool. #' @param dataPointSelection Fires when user clicks on a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice). #' @param dataPointMouseEnter Fires when user’s mouse enter on a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice). #' @param dataPointMouseLeave MouseLeave event for a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice). #' @param beforeZoom This function, if defined, runs just before zooming in/out of the chart allowing you to set a custom range for zooming in/out. #' @param zoomed Fires when user zooms in/out the chart using either the selection zooming tool or zoom in/out buttons. #' @param scrolled Fires when user scrolls using the pan tool. #' @param ... Additional parameters. #' #' @note All arguments should be JavaScript function defined with \code{htmlwidgets::JS}. #' #' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/events/}. #' #' @export #' events_opts <- function(click = NULL, beforeMount = NULL, mounted = NULL, updated = NULL, legendClick = NULL, selection = NULL, dataPointSelection = NULL, dataPointMouseEnter = NULL, dataPointMouseLeave = NULL, beforeZoom = NULL, zoomed = NULL, scrolled = NULL, ...) { dropNulls( list( click = click, beforeMount = beforeMount, mounted = mounted, updated = updated, legendClick = legendClick, selection = selection, dataPointSelection = dataPointSelection, dataPointMouseEnter = dataPointMouseEnter, dataPointMouseLeave = dataPointMouseLeave, beforeZoom = beforeZoom, zoomed = zoomed, scrolled = scrolled, ... ) ) } #' Bar options #' #' Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. #' #' @param horizontal Logical. This option will turn a column chart into a horiontal bar chart. #' @param endingShape Available Options: \code{"flat"}, \code{"rounded"} or \code{"arrow"}. #' @param columnWidth In column charts, columnWidth is the percentage of the available width in the grid-rect. #' @param barHeight In horizontal bar charts, barHeight is the percentage of the available height in the grid-rect. #' @param distributed Logical. Turn this option to make the bars discrete. Each value indicates one bar per series. #' @param colors A list of parameters. #' @param dataLabels List with fields \code{position} (available options: \code{"top"}, \code{"center"} or \code{"bottom"}) #' @param ... Additional parameters. #' #' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/bar/}. #' #' @export #' bar_opts <- function(horizontal = NULL, endingShape = NULL, columnWidth = NULL, barHeight = NULL, distributed = NULL, colors = NULL, dataLabels = NULL, ...) { dropNulls( list( horizontal = horizontal, endingShape = endingShape, columnWidth = columnWidth, barHeight = barHeight, distributed = distributed, colors = colors, dataLabels = dataLabels, ... ) ) } #' Heatmap options #' #' Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. #' #' @param radius Numeric. Radius of the rectangle inside heatmap. #' @param enableShades Logical. Enable different shades of color depending on the value #' @param shadeIntensity Numeric \code{[0,1]}. The intensity of the shades generated for each value. #' @param colorScale List. #' @param ... Additional parameters. #' #' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/heatmap/}. #' #' @export #' heatmap_opts <- function(radius = NULL, enableShades = NULL, shadeIntensity = NULL, colorScale = NULL, ...) { dropNulls( list( radius = radius, enableShades = enableShades, shadeIntensity = shadeIntensity, colorScale = colorScale, ... ) ) } #' Radial bar options #' #' Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. #' #' @param size Numeric. Manual size of the radialBars instead of calculating automatically from default height / width. #' @param inverseOrder Logical. Whether to make the first value of series innermost or outermost. #' @param startAngle Numeric. Angle from which the radialBars should start. #' @param endAngle Numeric. Angle to which the radialBars should end. The sum of the startAngle and endAngle should not exceed 360. #' @param offsetX Numeric. Sets the left offset for radialBars. #' @param offsetY Numeric. Sets the top offset for radialBars. #' @param hollow List. #' @param track List. #' @param dataLabels List. #' @param ... Additional parameters. #' #' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/radialbar/}. #' #' @export #' radialBar_opts <- function(size = NULL, inverseOrder = NULL, startAngle = NULL, endAngle = NULL, offsetX = NULL, offsetY = NULL, hollow = NULL, track = NULL, dataLabels = NULL, ...) { dropNulls( list( size = size, inverseOrder = inverseOrder, startAngle = startAngle, endAngle = endAngle, offsetX = offsetX, offsetY = offsetY, hollow = hollow, track = track, dataLabels = dataLabels, ... ) ) } #' Pie options #' #' Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. #' #' @param size Numeric. Custom size of the pie which will override the default size calculations. #' @param donut List with two fields \code{donutSize} (Donut / ring size in percentage relative to the total pie area.) #' and \code{background} (The background color of the pie). #' @param customScale Numeric. Transform the scale of whole pie/donut overriding the default calculations. #' @param offsetX Numeric. Sets the left offset of the whole pie area. #' @param offsetY Numeric. Sets the top offset of the whole pie area. #' @param dataLabels List with field \code{offset} (Numeric, Offset by which labels will move outside / inside of the donut area) #' @param ... Additional parameters. #' #' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/pie/}. #' #' @export #' pie_opts <- function(size = NULL, donut = NULL, customScale = NULL, offsetX = NULL, offsetY = NULL, dataLabels = NULL, ...) { dropNulls( list( size = size, donut = donut, customScale = customScale, offsetX = offsetX, offsetY = offsetY, dataLabels = dataLabels, ... ) ) }