#' Set specific color's series #' #' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @param values Named list, names represent data series, values colors to use. #' #' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @export #' #' @example examples/colors.R ax_colors_manual <- function(ax, values) { if (!inherits(ax, "apexcharter")) stop("ax_colors_manual: ax must be an apexcharter object", call. = FALSE) ax$x$colors_manual <- values ax$x$ax_opts$colors <- NULL groups <- get_groups(ax) values <- validate_values(values, groups) ax_colors(ax = ax, values$val) } #' @importFrom rlang is_named validate_values <- function(values, groups) { if (!rlang::is_named(values)) stop("values must be a named list or vector") nm <- names(values) val <- unname(unlist(values)) nm_check <- setdiff(groups, nm) if (length(nm_check) > 0) { warning("Some groups doesn't have a corresponding color value") } list( nm = intersect(groups, nm), val = val[match(x = groups, table = nm, nomatch = 0L)] ) } get_groups <- function(ax) { if (!inherits(ax, "apexcharter")) stop("ax must be an apexcharter htmlwidget") if (is.null(ax$x$ax_opts$series)) stop("ax must have a serie of data") groups <- lapply(ax$x$ax_opts$series, `[[`, "name") groups <- unlist(groups) as.character(groups) }