% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/apex-options.R \name{radialBar_opts} \alias{radialBar_opts} \title{Radial bar options} \usage{ radialBar_opts( size = NULL, inverseOrder = NULL, startAngle = NULL, endAngle = NULL, offsetX = NULL, offsetY = NULL, hollow = NULL, track = NULL, dataLabels = NULL, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{size}{Numeric. Manual size of the radialBars instead of calculating automatically from default height / width.} \item{inverseOrder}{Logical. Whether to make the first value of series innermost or outermost.} \item{startAngle}{Numeric. Angle from which the radialBars should start.} \item{endAngle}{Numeric. Angle to which the radialBars should end. The sum of the startAngle and endAngle should not exceed 360.} \item{offsetX}{Numeric. Sets the left offset for radialBars.} \item{offsetY}{Numeric. Sets the top offset for radialBars.} \item{hollow}{List.} \item{track}{List.} \item{dataLabels}{List.} \item{...}{Additional parameters.} } \value{ A \code{list} of options that can be used in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. } \description{ Use these options in \code{\link{ax_plotOptions}}. } \note{ See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/plotoptions/radialbar/}. } \examples{ apexchart() \%>\% ax_chart(type = "radialBar") \%>\% ax_plotOptions( radialBar = radialBar_opts( startAngle = -135, endAngle = 135, dataLabels = list( name = list( fontSize = "16px", # color = undefined, offsetY = 120 ), value = list( offsetY = 76, fontSize = "22px", # color = undefined, formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("function (val) {return val + '\%';}") ) ) ) ) \%>\% ax_stroke(dashArray = 4) \%>\% ax_series(70) \%>\% ax_labels("Indicator") }