/** * ApexCharts Options for setting the initial configuration of ApexCharts. **/ var xAxisAnnotation = { x: 0, strokeDashArray: 4, borderColor: '#c2c2c2', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, label: { borderColor: '#c2c2c2', borderWidth: 1, text: "undefined", textAnchor: 'middle', orientation: 'vertical', position: 'top', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { background: '#fff', color: '#777', fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-annotation-label', padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 2, bottom: 2 } } } } var pointAnnotation = { x: 0, y: null, yAxisIndex: 0, seriesIndex: 0, marker: { size: 0, fillColor: '#fff', strokeWidth: 2, strokeColor: '#333', shape: 'circle', radius: 2 }, label: { borderColor: '#c2c2c2', borderWidth: 1, text: "undefined", textAnchor: 'middle', offsetX: 0, offsetY: -15, style: { background: '#fff', color: '#777', fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-point-annotation-label', padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 0, bottom: 2 } } } } var yAxisAnnotation = { y: 0, strokeDashArray: 4, borderColor: '#c2c2c2', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, yAxisIndex: 0, label: { borderColor: '#c2c2c2', borderWidth: 1, text: "undefined", textAnchor: 'end', position: 'right', offsetX: 0, offsetY: -3, style: { background: '#fff', color: '#777', fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-annotation-label', padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 0, bottom: 2 } } } } var yAxis = { opposite: false, tickAmount: 6, max: "undefined", min: "undefined", floating: false, labels: { show: true, maxWidth: 160, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { colors: [], fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-label' }, formatter: function (val) { if (typeof val === 'number') { return val ? val.toFixed(0) : val } return val } }, axisBorder: { show: false, color: '#78909C', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, axisTicks: { show: false, color: '#78909C', width: 6, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, title: { text: "undefined", rotate: -90, offsetY: 0, offsetX: 0, style: { color: "undefined", fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-title' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false, offsetX: 0 }, crosshairs: { show: true, position: 'front', stroke: { color: '#b6b6b6', width: 1, dashArray: 0 } } } var Options = { //init () { // return { annotations: { position: 'front', yaxis: [yAxisAnnotation], xaxis: [xAxisAnnotation], points: [pointAnnotation] }, chart: { animations: { enabled: true, easing: 'easeinout', // linear, easeout, easein, easeinout speed: 800, animateGradually: { delay: 150, enabled: true }, dynamicAnimation: { enabled: true, speed: 350 } }, background: 'transparent', foreColor: '#373d3f', dropShadow: { enabled: false, enabledSeries: "undefined", top: 2, left: 2, blur: 4, opacity: 0.35 }, events: { beforeMount: "undefined", mounted: "undefined", updated: "undefined", clicked: "undefined", selection: "undefined", dataPointSelection: "undefined", zoomed: "undefined", scrolled: "undefined" }, height: 'auto', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, scroller: { enabled: false, height: 30, track: { height: 2, background: '#e0e0e0' }, thumb: { height: 2, background: '#008FFB' }, scrollButtons: { enabled: true, size: 6, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#c3c3c3', fillColor: '#fff' }, padding: { left: 10, right: 10 }, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, selection: { enabled: true, type: 'x', selectedPoints: "undefined", fill: { color: '#24292e', opacity: 0.1 }, stroke: { width: 1, color: '#24292e', opacity: 0.4, dashArray: 3 }, xaxis: { min: "undefined", max: "undefined" }, yaxis: { min: "undefined", max: "undefined" } }, sparkline: { enabled: false }, stacked: false, stackType: 'normal', toolbar: { show: true, tools: { download: true, selection: true, zoom: true, zoomin: true, zoomout: true, pan: true, reset: true } }, type: 'line', width: '100%', zoom: { enabled: true, type: 'x', zoomedArea: { fill: { color: '#90CAF9', opacity: 0.4 }, stroke: { color: '#0D47A1', opacity: 0.4, width: 1 } } } }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, endingShape: 'flat', columnWidth: '70%', // should be in percent 0 - 100 barHeight: '70%', // should be in percent 0 - 100 distributed: false, colors: { ranges: [], backgroundBarColors: [], backgroundBarOpacity: 1 }, dataLabels: { position: 'top' // top, center, bottom } // stackedLabels: true }, heatmap: { radius: 2, enableShades: true, shadeIntensity: 0.5, colorScale: { ranges: [] } }, radialBar: { size: "undefined", inverseOrder: false, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 360, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, hollow: { margin: 5, size: '50%', background: 'transparent', image: "undefined", imageWidth: 150, imageHeight: 150, imageOffsetX: 0, imageOffsetY: 0, imageClipped: true, position: 'front', dropShadow: { enabled: false, top: 0, left: 0, blur: 3, opacity: 0.5 } }, track: { show: true, startAngle: "undefined", endAngle: "undefined", background: '#f2f2f2', strokeWidth: '97%', opacity: 1, margin: 5, // margin is in pixels dropShadow: { enabled: false, top: 0, left: 0, blur: 3, opacity: 0.5 } }, dataLabels: { showOn: 'always', // hover/always name: { show: true, fontSize: '22px', color: "undefined", offsetY: -10 }, value: { show: true, fontSize: '16px', color: "undefined", offsetY: 16, formatter: function (val) { return val + '%' } } } }, pie: { size: "undefined", donut: { size: '65%', background: 'transparent' // TODO: draw labels in donut area // labels: { // showOn: 'hover', // name: { // show: false, // fontSize: '22px', // color: "undefined", // offsetY: -10 // }, // value: { // show: true, // offsetY: 16, // fontSize: '16px', // color: "undefined", // formatter: function (val) { // return val + '%' // } // } // } }, customScale: 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, dataLabels: { offset: 0 // offset by which labels will move outside } } }, colors: "undefined", dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function (val) { return val }, textAnchor: 'middle', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { fontSize: '14px', colors: "undefined" }, dropShadow: { enabled: false, top: 1, left: 1, blur: 1, opacity: 0.45 } }, fill: { type: 'solid', colors: "undefined", // array of colors, opacity: 0.9, gradient: { shade: 'dark', type: 'horizontal', shadeIntensity: 0.5, gradientToColors: "undefined", inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 50, 100] }, image: { src: [], width: "undefined", // optional height: "undefined" // optional }, pattern: { style: 'sqaures', // string or array of strings width: 6, height: 6, strokeWidth: 2 } }, grid: { show: true, borderColor: '#e0e0e0', strokeDashArray: 0, position: 'back', xaxis: { lines: { show: false, animate: false } }, yaxis: { lines: { show: true, animate: true } }, row: { colors: "undefined", // takes as array which will be repeated on rows opacity: 0.5 }, column: { colors: "undefined", // takes an array which will be repeated on columns opacity: 0.5 }, padding: { top: 0, right: 10, bottom: 0, left: 10 } }, labels: [], legend: { show: true, floating: false, position: 'bottom', // whether to position legends in 1 of 4 // direction - top, bottom, left, right horizontalAlign: 'center', // when position top/bottom, you can // specify whether to align legends // left, right or center verticalAlign: 'middle', fontSize: '14px', textAnchor: 'start', offsetY: 0, offsetX: 0, formatter: "undefined", labels: { color: "undefined", useSeriesColors: false }, markers: { size: 6, strokeWidth: 0, strokeColor: '#fff', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, shape: 'circle', radius: 2 }, itemMargin: { horizontal: 20, vertical: 5 }, containerMargin: { left: 5, top: 4, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, onItemClick: { toggleDataSeries: true }, onItemHover: { highlightDataSeries: true } }, markers: { discrete: [], size: 0, colors: "undefined", strokeColor: '#fff', strokeWidth: 2, strokeOpacity: 0.9, fillOpacity: 1, shape: 'circle', radius: 2, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, hover: { size: 6 } }, noData: { text: "undefined", align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { color: '#888', fontSize: '16px' } }, responsive: [], // breakpoints should follow ascending order 400, then 700, then 1000 series: "undefined", states: { normal: { filter: { type: 'none', value: 0 } }, hover: { filter: { type: 'lighten', value: 0.15 } }, active: { allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false, filter: { type: 'darken', value: 0.35 } } }, title: { text: "undefined", align: 'left', margin: 10, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, floating: false, style: { fontSize: '16px', color: '#263238' } }, subtitle: { text: "undefined", align: 'left', margin: 10, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, floating: false, style: { fontSize: '14px', color: '#9699a2' } }, stroke: { show: true, curve: 'smooth', // "smooth" or "straight" lineCap: 'butt', // round, butt , square width: 2, colors: "undefined", // array of colors dashArray: 0 // single value or array of values }, tooltip: { enabled: true, shared: true, followCursor: false, // when disabled, the tooltip will show on top of the series instead of mouse position intersect: false, // when enabled, tooltip will only show when user directly hovers over point inverseOrder: false, custom: "undefined", fillSeriesColor: false, onDatasetHover: { highlightDataSeries: false }, theme: 'light', x: { // x value show: true, format: 'dd MMM', // dd/MM, dd MMM yy, dd MMM yyyy formatter: "undefined" // a custom user supplied formatter function }, y: { formatter: "undefined", title: { formatter: function (seriesName) { return seriesName } } }, z: { formatter: "undefined", title: 'Size: ' }, marker: { show: true }, items: { display: 'flex' }, fixed: { enabled: false, position: 'topRight', // topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft offsetX: -100, offsetY: 0 } }, xaxis: { type: 'category', categories: [], labels: { show: true, rotate: -45, rotateAlways: false, trim: true, maxHeight: 120, style: { colors: [], fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-label' }, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, format: "undefined", formatter: "undefined", // custom formatter function which will override format datetimeFormatter: { year: 'yyyy', month: 'MMM \'yy', day: 'dd MMM', hour: 'HH:mm' } }, axisBorder: { show: true, color: '#78909C', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, axisTicks: { show: true, color: '#78909C', height: 6, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, tickAmount: "undefined", min: "undefined", max: "undefined", range: "undefined", floating: false, position: 'bottom', title: { text: "undefined", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { color: "undefined", fontSize: '12px', cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-title' } }, crosshairs: { show: true, width: 1, // tickWidth/barWidth or an integer position: 'back', opacity: 0.9, stroke: { color: '#b6b6b6', width: 0, dashArray: 0 }, fill: { type: 'solid', // solid, gradient color: '#B1B9C4', gradient: { colorFrom: '#D8E3F0', colorTo: '#BED1E6', stops: [0, 100], opacityFrom: 0.4, opacityTo: 0.5 } }, dropShadow: { enabled: false, left: 0, top: 0, blur: 1, opacity: 0.4 } }, tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetY: 0 } }, yaxis: yAxis, theme: { palette: 'palette1', // If defined, it will overwrite config.colors variable monochrome: { // monochrome allows you to select just 1 color and fill out the rest with light/dark shade (intensity can be selected) enabled: false, color: '#008FFB', shadeTo: 'light', shadeIntensity: 0.65 } } // } //} }