% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/apex-options.R \name{events_opts} \alias{events_opts} \title{Events options} \usage{ events_opts( click = NULL, beforeMount = NULL, mounted = NULL, updated = NULL, legendClick = NULL, selection = NULL, dataPointSelection = NULL, dataPointMouseEnter = NULL, dataPointMouseLeave = NULL, beforeZoom = NULL, zoomed = NULL, scrolled = NULL, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{click}{Fires when user clicks on any area of the chart.} \item{beforeMount}{Fires before the chart has been drawn on screen.} \item{mounted}{Fires after the chart has been drawn on screen.} \item{updated}{Fires when the chart has been dynamically updated.} \item{legendClick}{Fires when user clicks on legend.} \item{selection}{Fires when user selects rect using the selection tool.} \item{dataPointSelection}{Fires when user clicks on a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice).} \item{dataPointMouseEnter}{Fires when user’s mouse enter on a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice).} \item{dataPointMouseLeave}{MouseLeave event for a datapoint (bar/column/marker/bubble/donut-slice).} \item{beforeZoom}{This function, if defined, runs just before zooming in/out of the chart allowing you to set a custom range for zooming in/out.} \item{zoomed}{Fires when user zooms in/out the chart using either the selection zooming tool or zoom in/out buttons.} \item{scrolled}{Fires when user scrolls using the pan tool.} \item{...}{Additional parameters.} } \value{ A \code{list} of options that can be used in \code{\link{ax_chart}}. } \description{ Events options } \note{ All arguments should be JavaScript function defined with \code{htmlwidgets::JS}. See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/events/}. } \examples{ if (interactive()) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( fluidRow( column( width = 8, offset = 2, tags$h2("Apexchart in Shiny"), apexchartOutput("chart"), verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "res_click") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$chart <- renderApexchart({ apexchart() \%>\% ax_chart( type = "bar", events = events_opts( dataPointSelection = JS( "function(event, chartContext, config) { Shiny.setInputValue('click', config.selectedDataPoints) }" ) ) ) \%>\% ax_series( list( name = "Example", data = sample(1:100, 5) ) ) \%>\% ax_xaxis( categories = LETTERS[1:5] ) }) output$res_click <- renderPrint({ input$click }) } shinyApp(ui, server) } }