#' Format numbers (with D3) #' #' @param format Format for numbers, currency, percentage, e.g. \code{".0\%"} for rounded percentage. #' See online documentation : \url{https://github.com/d3/d3-format}. #' @param prefix Character string to append before formatted value. #' @param suffix Character string to append after formatted value. #' @param locale Localization to use, for example \code{"fr-FR"} for french, #' see possible values here: \url{https://github.com/d3/d3-format/tree/master/locale}. #' #' @return a \code{JS} function #' @export #' #' @importFrom htmlwidgets JS #' #' @example examples/format.R format_num <- function(format, prefix = "", suffix = "", locale = "en-US") { check_locale_d3(locale) path <- system.file(file.path("htmlwidgets/lib/d3-format/locale", paste0(locale, ".json")), package = "apexcharter") if (path != "") { locale <- paste(readLines(con = path, encoding = "UTF-8"), collapse = "") } JS(sprintf( "function(value) {var locale = d3.formatLocale(JSON.parse('%s')); return '%s' + locale.format('%s')(value) + '%s';}", locale, prefix, format, suffix )) } check_locale_d3 <- function(x) { json <- list.files(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/d3-format/locale", package = "apexcharter")) njson <- gsub("\\.json", "", json) if (!x %in% njson) { stop(paste( "Invalid D3 locale, must be one of:", paste(njson, collapse = ", ") ), call. = FALSE) } } #' Format date in JS #' #' @param x Date to use in JavaScript #' #' @return a JavaScript string #' @export #' format_date <- function(x) { stopifnot(length(x) == 1) JS(sprintf("new Date('%s').getTime()", x)) }