% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/annotations.R \name{add-shade} \alias{add-shade} \alias{add_shade} \alias{add_shade_weekend} \title{Add a shaded area to a chart} \usage{ add_shade(ax, from, to, color = "#848484", opacity = 0.2, label = NULL, ...) add_shade_weekend(ax, color = "#848484", opacity = 0.2, label = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{ax}{An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.} \item{from}{Vector of position to start shadow.} \item{to}{Vector of position to end shadow.} \item{color}{Color of the shadow.} \item{opacity}{Opacity of the shadow.} \item{label}{Add a label to the shade, use a \code{character} or see \code{\link{label}} for more controls.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, see \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/annotations/} for possible options.} } \value{ An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. } \description{ \code{add_shade()} allow to add a shaded area on specified range, \code{add_shade_weekend()} add a shadow on every week-end. } \note{ \code{add_shade_weekend} only works if variable used for x-axis is of class \code{Date} or \code{POSIXt}. } \examples{ library(apexcharter) data("consumption") # specify from and to date apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade(from = "2020-01-06", to = "2020-01-20") # you can add several shadows apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade(from = "2020-01-06", to = "2020-01-20") \%>\% add_shade(from = "2020-02-04", to = "2020-02-10") # or use a vector apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade( from = c("2020-01-06", "2020-02-04"), to = c("2020-01-20", "2020-02-10") ) # Add a label apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade( from = "2020-01-06", to = "2020-01-20", label = "interesting period" ) # add label with more options apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade( from = "2020-01-06", to = "2020-01-20", color = "firebrick", label = label( text = "something happened", background = "firebrick", color = "white", fontWeight = "bold", padding = c(3, 5, 3, 5) ) ) # automatically add shadow on week-ends apex(consumption, aes(date, value, group = type), "spline") \%>\% add_shade_weekend() }