Allows you to update the configuration object.

ax_proxy_options(proxy, options)



A apexchartProxy htmlwidget object.


New options to set.


if (interactive()) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( fluidRow( column( width = 8, offset = 2, tags$h2("Update options"), apexchartOutput(outputId = "chart"), checkboxInput( inputId = "show_label_xaxis", label = "Show x-axis labels" ), textInput( inputId = "yaxis_title", label = "Y-axis title" ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$chart <- renderApexchart({ apexchart() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar") %>% ax_series(list( name = "Example", data = c(23, 43, 76, 31) )) %>% ax_xaxis( categories = c("Label A", "Label B", "Label C", "Label D") ) }) observe({ apexchartProxy("chart") %>% ax_proxy_options(list( xaxis = list( labels = list(show = input$show_label_xaxis) ), yaxis = list( title = list(text = input$yaxis_title) ) )) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }