% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/apex.R \name{apex} \alias{apex} \title{Quick Apex Chart} \usage{ apex(data, mapping, type = "column", ..., auto_update = TRUE, width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{Default dataset to use for chart. If not already a \code{data.frame}, it will be coerced to with \code{as.data.frame}.} \item{mapping}{Default list of aesthetic mappings to use for chart} \item{type}{Specify the chart type. Available Options: \code{"column"}, \code{"bar"}, \code{"line"}, \code{"area"}, \code{"spline"}, \code{"pie"}, \code{"donut"}, \code{"radialBar"}, \code{"radar"}, \code{"scatter"}, \code{"heatmap"}.} \item{...}{Other arguments passed on to methods. Not currently used.} \item{auto_update}{In Shiny application, update existing chart rather than generating new one.} \item{width}{A numeric input in pixels.} \item{height}{A numeric input in pixels.} \item{elementId}{Use an explicit element ID for the widget.} } \description{ Quick Apex Chart }