#' @importFrom rlang eval_tidy get_facets <- function(data, vars) { byvars <- lapply(X = vars, FUN = eval_tidy, data = data) facets <- split(x = data, f = byvars, sep = "|__|") lapply( X = seq_along(facets), FUN = function(i) { facet <- facets[[i]] attr(facet, "keys") <- strsplit( x = names(facets)[i], split = "|__|", fixed = TRUE )[[1]] facet } ) } set_scale <- function(ax, values, scales = c("fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"), axis = c("x", "y")) { if (is.null(scales)) return(ax) scales <- match.arg(scales) axis <- match.arg(axis) if (is.null(values)) return(ax) if (inherits(values, c("numeric", "integer", "Date", "POSIXt"))) { range_vals <- range(pretty(values), na.rm = TRUE) } else { range_vals <- NULL } fmt <- function(x, time = inherits(values, c("Date", "POSIXt"))) { if (is.null(x)) return(NULL) if (time) x <- format_date(x) x } fun_axis <- switch( axis, "x" = ax_xaxis, "y" = ax_yaxis ) if (scales == "fixed") { ax <- fun_axis( ax = ax, min = fmt(range_vals[1]), max = fmt(range_vals[2]) ) } else if (scales == "free") { ax <- fun_axis( ax = ax, min = character(0), max = character(0) ) } else { ax <- fun_axis( ax = ax, min = fmt(range_vals[1]), max = fmt(range_vals[2]) ) if (scales == "free_x" & axis == "x") { ax <- fun_axis( ax = ax, min = character(0), max = character(0) ) } if (scales == "free_y" & axis == "y") { ax <- fun_axis( ax = ax, min = character(0), max = character(0) ) } } return(ax) } #' @importFrom rlang eval_tidy is_null is_function build_facets <- function(chart) { data <- chart$x$data mapall <- lapply(chart$x$mapping, eval_tidy, data = data) labeller <- chart$x$facet$labeller facets_data <- get_facets(data, chart$x$facet$facets) nums <- seq_along(facets_data) dims <- get_grid_dims(nums, nrow = chart$x$facet$nrow, ncol = chart$x$facet$ncol) grid <- matrix( data = c( nums, rep(NA, times = (dims$nrow * dims$ncol) - length(nums)) ), nrow = dims$nrow, ncol = dims$ncol, byrow = TRUE ) lrow <- get_last_row(grid) lapply( X = nums, FUN = function(i) { new <- chart facet <- facets_data[[i]] if (!is_null(labeller) && is_function(labeller)) { keys <- attr(facet, "keys") text <- labeller(keys) new <- ax_title(new, text = text, margin = 0, floating = length(text) <= 1) } mapdata <- lapply(chart$x$mapping, eval_tidy, data = facet) if (chart$x$facet$scales %in% c("fixed", "free_y") & chart$x$type %in% c("bar")) { mapdata <- complete_mapdata(mapdata, mapall) } if (chart$x$facet$scales %in% c("fixed", "free_x") & chart$x$type %in% c("column")) { mapdata <- complete_mapdata(mapdata, mapall) } new$x$ax_opts$series <- make_series(mapdata, chart$x$mapping, chart$x$type, chart$x$serie_name) new <- set_scale(new, mapall$x, scales = chart$x$facet$scales, axis = "x") new <- set_scale(new, mapall$y, scales = chart$x$facet$scales, axis = "y") if (chart$x$facet$scales %in% c("fixed", "free_x")) { new <- ax_yaxis(new, show = i %in% grid[, 1]) } # if (chart$x$facet$scales %in% c("fixed", "free_y")) { # new <- ax_xaxis(new, labels = list(show = i %in% lrow), axisTicks = list(show = TRUE)) # } if (chart$x$facet$scales %in% c("fixed", "free_y") & chart$x$type %in% c("bar", "column")) { new <- ax_xaxis(new, labels = list(show = i %in% lrow)) } if (!is.null(new$x$colors_manual)) { new <- ax_colors_manual(ax = new, values = new$x$colors_manual) } new$height <- chart$x$facet$chart_height new$x$facet <- NULL class(new) <- setdiff(class(new), "apex_facet") return(new) } ) } get_last_row <- function(mat) { apply(X = mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) { x <- x[!is.na(x)] x[length(x)] }) } #' Facet wrap for ApexCharts #' #' @param ax An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @param facets Variable(s) to use for facetting, wrapped in \code{vars(...)}. #' @param nrow,ncol Number of row and column in output matrix. #' @param scales Should scales be fixed (\code{"fixed"}, the default), #' free (\code{"free"}), or free in one dimension (\code{"free_x"}, \code{"free_y"})? #' @param labeller A function with one argument containing for each facet the value of the faceting variable. #' @param chart_height Individual chart height. #' #' @return An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @export #' #' @importFrom rlang quos syms #' #' @example examples/facet_wrap.R ax_facet_wrap <- function(ax, facets, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, scales = c("fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"), labeller = label_value, chart_height = "300px") { if (!inherits(ax, "apex")) stop("ax_facet_wrap only works with charts generated with apex()", call. = FALSE) scales <- match.arg(scales) if (is.character(facets)) facets <- quos(!!!syms(facets)) ax$x$facet <- list( facets = facets, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, scales = scales, labeller = labeller, chart_height = chart_height ) class(ax) <- c("apex_facet", class(ax)) return(ax) } # Shiny ------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @title Shiny bindings for faceting with apexcharter #' #' @description Output and render functions for using apexcharter faceting within Shiny #' applications and interactive Rmd documents. #' #' @param outputId output variable to read from #' #' @return An Apexcharts output that can be included in the application UI. #' @export #' #' @name apexcharter-shiny-facets #' #' @importFrom htmltools tagList #' @importFrom shiny uiOutput #' @importFrom htmlwidgets getDependency #' #' @example examples/facet-shiny.R apexfacetOutput <- function(outputId) { tagList( uiOutput(outputId = outputId), getDependency(name = "apexcharter", package = "apexcharter") ) } #' @param expr An expression that generates a apexcharter #' @param env The environment in which to evaluate \code{expr}. #' @param quoted Is \code{expr} a quoted expression (with \code{quote()})? This #' is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable. #' #' @export #' #' @rdname apexcharter-shiny-facets #' #' @importFrom shiny exprToFunction createRenderFunction createWebDependency #' @importFrom htmltools renderTags resolveDependencies renderApexfacet <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) { func <- exprToFunction(expr, env, quoted) createRenderFunction( func = func, transform = function(result, shinysession, name, ...) { if (is.null(result) || length(result) == 0) return(NULL) if (!inherits(result, "apex_facet")) { stop( "renderApexfacet: 'expr' must return an apexcharter facet object.", call. = FALSE ) } facets_charts <- build_facets(result) TAG <- build_grid( content = facets_charts, nrow = result$x$facet$nrow, ncol = result$x$facet$ncol ) rendered <- renderTags(TAG) deps <- lapply( X = resolveDependencies(rendered$dependencies), FUN = createWebDependency ) list( html = rendered$html, deps = deps ) }, apexfacetOutput, list() ) } # Print methods ----------------------------------------------------------- #' @export print.apex_facet <- function(x, ...) { facets_charts <- build_facets(x) TAG <- build_grid(facets_charts, nrow = x$x$facet$nrow, ncol = x$x$facet$ncol) print(htmltools::browsable(TAG)) } knit_print.apex_facet <- function(x, ..., options = NULL) { facets_charts <- build_facets(x) TAG <- build_grid(facets_charts, nrow = x$x$facet$nrow, ncol = x$x$facet$ncol) knitr::knit_print(htmltools::browsable(TAG), options = options, ...) } # Complete ---------------------------------------------------------------- complete_mapdata <- function(mapdata, mapall) { data <- as.data.frame(mapdata) full_data <- data.frame(x = unique(mapall$x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) full_data <- merge( x = full_data, y = data, by = "x", all.x = TRUE, sort = TRUE ) full_data$y[is.na(full_data$y)] <- 0 return(as.list(full_data)) } complete_data <- function(data, vars, fill_var, fill_value = 0) { full_data <- expand.grid(lapply( X = data[, vars], FUN = unique )) full_data <- merge( x = full_data, y = data, by = vars, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE ) full_data[[fill_var]][is.na(full_data[[fill_var]])] <- fill_value return(full_data) }