% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/facets.R \name{ax_facet_wrap} \alias{ax_facet_wrap} \title{Facet wrap for ApexCharts} \usage{ ax_facet_wrap( ax, facets, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, scales = c("fixed", "free", "free_y", "free_x"), labeller = label_value, chart_height = "300px" ) } \arguments{ \item{ax}{An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.} \item{facets}{Variable(s) to use for facetting, wrapped in \code{vars(...)}.} \item{nrow, ncol}{Number of row and column in output matrix.} \item{scales}{Should scales be fixed (\code{"fixed"}, the default), free (\code{"free"}), or free in one dimension (\code{"free_x"}, \code{"free_y"})?} \item{labeller}{A function with one argument containing for each facet the value of the faceting variable.} \item{chart_height}{Individual chart height.} } \value{ An \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. } \description{ Facet wrap for ApexCharts } \examples{ library(apexcharter) # Scatter ---- data("mpg", package = "ggplot2") # Create facets apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(drv)) # Change number of columns apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(drv), ncol = 2) # Free axis apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(drv), ncol = 2, scales = "free") # labels apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_facet_wrap( vars(drv), ncol = 2, labeller = function(x) { switch( x, "f" = "front-wheel drive", "r" = "rear wheel drive", "4" = "4wd" ) } ) # Multiple variables apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(year, drv)) apex(mpg, aes(displ, cty), type = "scatter") \%>\% ax_chart(toolbar = list(show = FALSE)) \%>\% ax_facet_wrap( vars(year, drv), labeller = function(x) { paste(x, collapse = " / ") } ) # Lines ---- data("unhcr_ts") refugees <- unhcr_ts \%>\% subset(population_type == "Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations)") \%>\% transform(date = as.Date(paste0(year, "-01-01"))) apex(refugees, aes(date, n), type = "line") \%>\% ax_yaxis(tickAmount = 5) \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(continent_origin)) # Free y-axis and synchronize apex(refugees, aes(date, n), type = "line", synchronize = "my-id") \%>\% ax_yaxis(tickAmount = 5) \%>\% ax_xaxis(tooltip = list(enabled = FALSE)) \%>\% ax_tooltip(x = list(format = "yyyy")) \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(continent_origin), scales = "free_y") # Bars ---- data("unhcr_ts") refugees <- unhcr_ts \%>\% subset(year == 2017) apex(refugees, aes(continent_origin, n), type = "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis( labels = list( formatter = format_num("~s") ), tickAmount = 5 ) \%>\% ax_facet_wrap(vars(population_type), ncol = 2) }