#' @title Add a line to a chart #' #' @description Add a line to an existing chart (bar, scatter and line types supported). #' On scatter charts you can also add a smooth line. #' #' @param ax An \code{\link{apex}} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @param mapping Default list of aesthetic mappings to use for chart. #' @param data A \code{data.frame} to use to add a line, if \code{NULL} (default), #' the \code{data.frame} provided in \code{apex()} will be used. #' @param type Type of line. #' @param serie_name Name for the serie displayed in tooltip and legend. #' #' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. #' @export #' #' @name add-line #' #' @example examples/mixed-charts.R add_line <- function(ax, mapping, data = NULL, type = c("line", "spline"), serie_name = NULL) { type <- match.arg(type) if (!inherits(ax, "apex")) stop("add_line: ax must have been created with apex() function.", call. = FALSE) if (is.null(ax$x$mixed_type)) { apex_type <- ax$x$ax_opts$chart$type ax$x$mixed_type <- apex_type } else { apex_type <- ax$x$mixed_type } if (!isTRUE(apex_type %in% c("line", "bar", "scatter", "candlestick"))) stop("add_line: apex() must be a column, scatter or candlestick chart.", call. = FALSE) ax$x$ax_opts$chart$type <- "line" if (is.null(data)) data <- ax$x$data data <- as.data.frame(data) mapdata <- lapply(mapping, rlang::eval_tidy, data = data) ax$x$ax_opts$series <- c( ax$x$ax_opts$series, make_series(mapdata, mapping, type, serie_name, force_datetime_names = c("x", "y")) ) if (identical(apex_type, "scatter")) { if (is.null(ax$x$ax_opts$markers$size)) { ax$x$ax_opts$markers$size <- c(6, 0) } else { ax$x$ax_opts$markers$size <- c(ax$x$ax_opts$markers$size, 0) } } if (identical(apex_type, "bar")) { if (is.null(ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width)) { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width <- c(0, 4) } else { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width <- c(ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width, 4) } } if (identical(apex_type, "candlestick")) { if (is.null(ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width)) { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width <- c(1, 4) } else { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width <- c(ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$width, 4) } } if (identical(type, "line")) { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$curve <- "straight" } else if (identical(type, "spline")) { ax$x$ax_opts$stroke$curve <- "smooth" } return(ax) } #' @param formula Formula passed to the \code{method}, default to \code{y ~ x} from main aesthetics. #' @param model Model to use between \code{\link{lm}} or \code{\link{loess}}. #' @param n Number of points used for predictions. #' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{model}. #' #' @export #' #' @importFrom stats lm loess predict #' @importFrom rlang !! sym #' #' @name add-line add_smooth_line <- function(ax, formula = y ~ x, model = c("lm", "loess"), n = 100, ..., type = c("line", "spline"), serie_name = NULL) { model <- match.arg(model) type <- match.arg(type) if (!inherits(ax, "apex")) stop("add_smooth_line: ax must have been created with apex() function.", call. = FALSE) if (is.null(ax$x$mixed_type)) { apex_type <- ax$x$ax_opts$chart$type ax$x$mixed_type <- apex_type } else { apex_type <- ax$x$mixed_type } if (!isTRUE(apex_type %in% c("scatter"))) stop("add_smooth_line: apex() must be a scatter chart.", call. = FALSE) ax$x$ax_opts$chart$type <- "line" data <- as.data.frame(ax$x$data) mapping <- ax$x$mapping mapdata <- lapply(mapping, rlang::eval_tidy, data = data) if (identical(model, "lm")) { model_results <- lm(formula = formula, data = mapdata, ...) } else if (identical(model, "loess")) { model_results <- loess(formula = formula, data = mapdata, ...) } new_data <- data.frame(x = seq( from = min(mapdata$x, na.rm = TRUE), to = max(mapdata$x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = n )) new_data$smooth <- predict(model_results, new_data) add_line( ax = ax, mapping = aes(x = `!!`(sym("x")), y = `!!`(sym("smooth"))), data = new_data, type = type, serie_name = serie_name ) }