# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Title : Barcharts # By : Victor # Date : 2018-09-03 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- library(apexcharter) library(ggplot2) # for data library(dplyr) # for count # One serie - vertical ---------------------------------------------------- data(mpg) dat <- count(mpg, manufacturer) apexcharter() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar") %>% ax_plotOptions(bar = barOpts( horizontal = FALSE, endingShape = "flat", columnWidth = "70%", dataLabels = list( position = "top" )) ) %>% ax_grid( show = TRUE, position = "front" ) %>% ax_series(list( name = "Count", data = dat$n )) %>% ax_colors("#112446") %>% ax_xaxis(categories = dat$manufacturer) %>% ax_title(text = "Number of models") %>% ax_subtitle(text = "Data from ggplot2") # One serie - horizontal -------------------------------------------------- data(mpg) dat <- count(mpg, manufacturer) apexcharter() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar") %>% ax_plotOptions(bar = barOpts( horizontal = TRUE, dataLabels = list( position = "top" )) ) %>% ax_grid( show = TRUE, yaxis = list(lines = list(show = FALSE)), xaxis = list(lines = list(show = TRUE)) ) %>% ax_series(list( name = "Count", data = dat$n )) %>% ax_colors("#112446") %>% ax_xaxis(categories = dat$manufacturer) %>% ax_title(text = "Number of models") %>% ax_subtitle(text = "Data from ggplot2")