# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Title : Heatmap # By : Victor # Date : 2018-09-03 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- library(apexcharter) library(highcharter) # data library(dplyr) # Data -------------------------------------------------------------------- data("vaccines") # Heatmap ----------------------------------------------------------------- #O trying to recreate "The Impact of Vaccines" (http://jkunst.com/highcharter/showcase.html) apexcharter() %>% ax_chart(type = "heatmap") %>% ax_dataLabels(enabled = FALSE) %>% ax_series2(lapply( X = unique(vaccines$state), FUN = function(x) { list( name = x, data = parse_df(vaccines[vaccines$state == x, c("year", "count")]) ) } )) %>% # ax_colors("#008FFB") %>% ax_plotOptions( heatmap = heatmapOpts( colorScale = list( ranges = list( list( from = 0, to = 4, name = "low", color = "#000004" ), list( from = 4, to = 70, name = "mid-low", color = "#781C6D" ), list( from = 70, to = 290, name = "mid-high", color = "#ED6925" ), list( from = 290, to = 3000, name = "high", color = "#FCFFA4" ) ) ) ) ) %>% ax_xaxis(type = "category", categories = unique(vaccines$year))