library(apexcharter) data("presidential", package = "ggplot2") # Basic (with formated date in tooltip) apex(presidential, aes(x = name, start = start, end = end), "timeline") %>% ax_tooltip( x = list( format = "yyyy" ) ) # With groups apex( presidential, aes(x = name, start = start, end = end, group = party), "timeline" ) # With groups but force position apex( presidential, aes(x = name, start = start, end = end, group = party), "timeline" ) %>% ax_plotOptions( bar = bar_opts(rangeBarGroupRows = TRUE) ) %>% ax_xaxis(categories = unique(presidential$name)) # With custom colors apex( presidential, aes(x = name, start = start, end = end, group = party), "timeline" ) %>% ax_plotOptions( bar = bar_opts(rangeBarGroupRows = TRUE) ) %>% ax_xaxis(categories = unique(presidential$name)) %>% ax_colors_manual(list( Democratic = "#00355f", Republican = "#c51c22" ))