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# ApexCharts API ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Annotations properties
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param position Whether to put the annotations behind the charts or in front of it. Available Options: \code{"front"} or \code{"back"}.
#' @param yaxis List of lists.
#' @param xaxis List of lists.
#' @param points List of lists.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/annotations/}.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
ax_annotations <- function(ax,
position = NULL,
yaxis = NULL,
xaxis = NULL,
points = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "annotations", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Chart parameters
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param type Specify the chart type. Available Options: \code{"bar"}, \code{"column"}, \code{"line"},
#' \code{"histogram"}, \code{"pie"}, \code{"donut"}, \code{"radialBar"}, \code{"scatter"}, \code{"bubble"}, \code{"heatmap"}.
#' @param stacked Logical. Enables stacked option for axis charts.
#' @param stackType When stacked, should the stacking be percentage based or normal stacking. Available options: \code{"normal"} or \code{"100\%"}
#' @param animations A list of parameters.
#' @param background Background color for the chart area. If you want to set background with css, use \code{.apexcharts-canvas} to set it.
#' @param foreColor Sets the text color for the chart. Defaults to \code{#373d3f}.
#' @param dropShadow A list of parameters. See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/dropshadow/}.
#' @param events A list of parameters. See\url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/events/}.
#' @param offsetX Sets the left offset for chart.
#' @param offsetY Sets the top offset for chart.
#' @param selection A list of parameters.
#' @param sparkline List. Sparkline hides all the elements of the charts other than the primary paths. Helps to visualize data in small areas. .
#' @param toolbar A list of parameters. See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/toolbar/}.
#' @param zoom A list of parameters. See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/chart/zoom/}.
#' @param width Width of the chart.
#' @param height Height of the chart.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
ax_chart <- function(ax,
type = NULL,
stacked = NULL,
stackType = NULL,
animations = NULL,
background = NULL,
foreColor = NULL,
dropShadow = NULL,
events = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
selection = NULL,
sparkline = NULL,
toolbar = NULL,
zoom = NULL,
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "chart", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Specific options for chart
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param bar See \code{\link{barOpts}}.
#' @param heatmap See \code{\link{heatmapOpts}}.
#' @param radialBar See \code{\link{radialBarOpts}}.
#' @param pie See \code{\link{pieOpts}}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
ax_plotOptions <- function(ax,
bar = NULL,
heatmap = NULL,
radialBar = NULL,
pie = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "plotOptions", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Colors
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param ... Colors for the charts series. When all colors are used, it starts from the beginning.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/colors/}
ax_colors <- function(ax, ...) {
.ax_opt(ax, "colors", ...)
#' Labels on data
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param enabled To determine whether to show dataLabels or not.
#' @param textAnchor The alignment of text relative to dataLabels drawing position.
#' Accepted values \code{"start"}, \code{"middle"} or \code{"end"}.
#' @param offsetX Sets the left offset for dataLabels.
#' @param offsetY Sets the top offset for dataLabels.
#' @param style A list of parameters.
#' @param dropShadow A list of parameters.
#' @param formatter The formatter function takes in a single value and allows you to format the value before displaying
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/datalabels/}
ax_dataLabels <- function(ax,
enabled = NULL,
textAnchor = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
style = NULL,
dropShadow = NULL,
formatter = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "dataLabels", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Fill property
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param type Whether to fill the paths with solid colors or gradient.
#' Available options: \code{"solid"}, \code{"gradient"}, \code{"pattern"} or \code{"image"}.
#' @param colors Colors to fill the svg paths..
#' @param opacity Opacity of the fill attribute.
#' @param gradient A list of parameters.
#' @param image A list of parameters.
#' @param pattern A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/fill/}
ax_fill <- function(ax,
type = NULL,
colors = NULL,
opacity = NULL,
gradient = NULL,
image = NULL,
pattern = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "fill", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Add grids on chart
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param show Logical. To show or hide grid area (including xaxis / yaxis)
#' @param borderColor Colors of grid borders / lines.
#' @param strokeDashArray Creates dashes in borders of svg path. Higher number creates more space between dashes in the border.
#' @param position Whether to place grid behind chart paths of in front. Available options for position: \code{"front"} or \code{"back"}
#' @param xaxis A list of parameters.
#' @param yaxis A list of parameters.
#' @param row A list of parameters.
#' @param column A list of parameters.
#' @param padding A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/grid/}
ax_grid <- function(ax,
show = NULL,
borderColor = NULL,
strokeDashArray = NULL,
position = NULL,
xaxis = NULL,
yaxis = NULL,
row = NULL,
column = NULL,
padding = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "grid", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Alternative axis labels
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param labels A vector to use as labels.
#' @param ... Vector. In Axis Charts (line / column), labels can be set instead of setting xaxis categories
#' option. While, in pie/donut charts, each label corresponds to value in series array.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @name ax_labels
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/labels/}
ax_labels <- function(ax, ...) {
.ax_opt(ax, "labels", ...)
#' @rdname ax_labels
#' @export
ax_labels2 <- function(ax, labels) {
.ax_opt2(ax, "labels", l = labels)
#' Legend properties
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param show Logical. Whether to show or hide the legend container.
#' @param position Available position options for legend: \code{"top"}, \code{"right"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"left"}.
#' @param horizontalAlign Available options for horizontal alignment: \code{"right"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"}.
#' @param verticalAlign Available options for vertical alignment: \code{"top"}, \code{"middle"}, \code{"bottom"}
#' @param fontSize Sets the fontSize of legend text elements
#' @param textAnchor The alignment of text relative to legends drawing position
#' @param offsetY Sets the top offset for legend container.
#' @param offsetX Sets the left offset for legend container.
#' @param formatter JS function. A custom formatter function to append additional text to the legend series names.
#' @param labels List with two items \code{"foreColor"} (Custom text color for legend labels)
#' and \code{"useSeriesColors"} (Logical, whether to use primary colors or not)
#' @param markers List.
#' @param itemMargin List with two items \code{"horizontal"} (Horizontal margin for individual legend item)
#' and \code{"vertical"} (Vertical margin for individual legend item).
#' @param containerMargin List with two items \code{"top"} (Top margin for the whole legend container)
#' and \code{"left"} (Left margin for the whole legend container).
#' @param onItemClick List with item \code{"toggleDataSeries"}, logical,
#' when clicked on legend item, it will toggle the visibility of the series in chart.
#' @param onItemHover List with item \code{"highlightDataSeries"}, logical,
#' when hovered on legend item, it will highlight the paths of the hovered series in chart.
#' @param floating Logical. The floating option will take out the legend from the chart area and make it float above the chart.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/legend/}
ax_legend <- function(ax,
show = NULL,
position = NULL,
horizontalAlign = NULL,
verticalAlign = NULL,
fontSize = NULL,
textAnchor = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
formatter = NULL,
labels = NULL,
markers = NULL,
itemMargin = NULL,
containerMargin = NULL,
onItemClick = NULL,
onItemHover = NULL,
floating = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "legend", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Markers properties
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param size Numeric. Size of the marker point.
#' @param colors Sets the fill color(s) of the marker point.
#' @param strokeColor Stroke Color of the marker.
#' @param strokeWidth Stroke Size of the marker.
#' @param strokeOpacity Opacity of the border around marker.
#' @param fillOpacity Opacity of the marker fill color.
#' @param shape Shape of the marker. Available Options for shape: \code{"square"} or \code{"circle"}.
#' @param radius Numeric. Radius of the marker (applies to square shape)
#' @param offsetX Numeric. Sets the left offset of the marker.
#' @param offsetY Numeric. Sets the top offset of the marker.
#' @param hover List with item \code{size} (Size of the marker when it is active).
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/markers/}
ax_markers <- function(ax,
size = NULL,
colors = NULL,
strokeColor = NULL,
strokeWidth = NULL,
strokeOpacity = NULL,
fillOpacity = NULL,
shape = NULL,
radius = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
hover = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "markers", l = dropNulls(params))
#' No data specification
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param text
#' @param align
#' @param verticalAlign
#' @param offsetX
#' @param offsetY
#' @param style
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @noRd
ax_noData <- function(ax,
text = NULL,
align = NULL,
verticalAlign = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
style = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "noData", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Responsive options
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/responsive/}
ax_responsive <- function(ax, ...) {
.ax_opt(ax, "responsive", ...)
#' Add data to a chart
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param ... Lists containing data to plot, typically list with two items: \code{name} and \code{data}.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @name ax-series
#' @examples
#' # One serie
#' apexchart() %>%
#' ax_series(list(
#' name = "rnorm",
#' data = rnorm(10)
#' ))
#' # Two series
#' apexchart() %>%
#' ax_series(
#' list(
#' name = "rnorm 1",
#' data = rnorm(10)
#' ),
#' list(
#' name = "rnorm 2",
#' data = rnorm(10)
#' )
#' )
ax_series <- function(ax, ...) {
.ax_opt(ax, "series", ...)
#' @param l A list.
#' @export
#' @rdname ax-series
ax_series2 <- function(ax, l) {
.ax_opt2(ax, "series", l)
#' Charts' states
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param normal A list of parameters.
#' @param hover A list of parameters.
#' @param active A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/states/}
ax_states <- function(ax,
normal = NULL,
hover = NULL,
active = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "states", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Chart's title
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param text Text to display as a title of chart.
#' @param align Alignment of subtitle relative to chart area. Possible Options: \code{"left"}, \code{"center"} and \code{"right"}.
#' @param margin Numeric. Vertical spacing around the title text.
#' @param offsetX Numeric. Sets the left offset for subtitle text.
#' @param offsetY Numeric. Sets the top offset for subtitle text
#' @param floating Logical. The floating option will take out the subtitle text from the chart area and make it float on top of the chart.
#' @param style List with two items: \code{fontSize} (Font Size of the title text) and \code{color} (Fore color of the title text).
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/title/}
ax_title <- function(ax,
text = NULL,
align = NULL,
margin = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
floating = NULL,
style = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "title", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Chart's subtitle
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param text Text to display as a subtitle of chart.
#' @param align Alignment of subtitle relative to chart area. Possible Options: \code{"left"}, \code{"center"} and \code{"right"}.
#' @param margin Numeric. Vertical spacing around the subtitle text.
#' @param offsetX Numeric. Sets the left offset for subtitle text.
#' @param offsetY Numeric. Sets the top offset for subtitle text
#' @param floating Logical. The floating option will take out the subtitle text from the chart area and make it float on top of the chart.
#' @param style List with two items: \code{fontSize} (Font Size of the subtitle text) and \code{color} (Fore color of the subtitle text).
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/subtitle/}
ax_subtitle <- function(ax,
text = NULL,
align = NULL,
margin = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
floating = NULL,
style = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "subtitle", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Stroke properties
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param show Logical. To show or hide path-stroke / line
#' @param curve In line / area charts, whether to draw smooth lines or straight lines.
#' Available Options: \code{"smooth"} (connects the points in a curve fashion. Also known as spline)
#' and \code{"straight"} (connect the points in straight lines.).
#' @param lineCap For setting the starting and ending points of stroke. Available Options:
#' \code{"butt"} (ends the stroke with a 90-degree angle), \code{"square"}
#' (similar to butt except that it extends the stroke beyond the length of the path)
#' and \code{"round"} (ends the path-stroke with a radius that smooths out the start and end points)
#' @param width Sets the width of border for svg path.
#' @param colors Colors to fill the border for paths.
#' @param dashArray Creates dashes in borders of svg path. Higher number creates more space between dashes in the border.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/stroke/}
ax_stroke <- function(ax,
show = NULL,
curve = NULL,
lineCap = NULL,
width = NULL,
colors = NULL,
dashArray = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "stroke", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Tooltip options
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param enabled Logical. Show tooltip when user hovers over chart area.
#' @param shared Logical. When having multiple series, show a shared tooltip.
#' @param followCursor Logical. Follow users cursor position instead of putting tooltip on actual data points.
#' @param intersect Logical. Show tooltip only when user hovers exactly over datapoint.
#' @param inverseOrder Logical. In multiple series, when having shared tooltip, inverse the order of series (for better comparison in stacked charts).
#' @param custom JS function. Draw a custom html tooltip instead of the default one based on the values provided in the function arguments.
#' @param fillSeriesColor Logical. When enabled, fill the tooltip background with the corresponding series color.
#' @param onDatasetHover A list of parameters.
#' @param theme A list of parameters.
#' @param x A list of parameters.
#' @param y A list of parameters.
#' @param z A list of parameters.
#' @param marker A list of parameters.
#' @param items A list of parameters.
#' @param fixed A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/tooltip/}
ax_tooltip <- function(ax,
enabled = NULL,
shared = NULL,
followCursor = NULL,
intersect = NULL,
inverseOrder = NULL,
custom = NULL,
fillSeriesColor = NULL,
onDatasetHover = NULL,
theme = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
z = NULL,
marker = NULL,
items = NULL,
fixed = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "tooltip", l = dropNulls(params))
#' X-axis options
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param type Character. Available Options : \code{"categories"} and \code{"datetime"}.
#' @param categories Categories are labels which are displayed on the x-axis.
#' @param labels A list of parameters.
#' @param axisBorder A list of parameters.
#' @param axisTicks A list of parameters.
#' @param tickAmount Number of Tick Intervals to show.
#' @param min Lowest number to be set for the x-axis. The graph drawing beyond this number will be clipped off.
#' @param max Highest number to be set for the x-axis. The graph drawing beyond this number will be clipped off.
#' @param range Range takes the max value of x-axis, subtracts the provided range value and gets the min value based on that.
#' So, technically it helps to keep the same range when min and max values gets updated dynamically.
#' @param floating Logical. Floating takes x-axis is taken out of normal flow and places x-axis on svg element directly,
#' similar to an absolutely positioned element. Set the offsetX and offsetY then to adjust the position manually
#' @param position Setting this option allows you to change the x-axis position. Available options: \code{"top"} and \code{"bottom"}.
#' @param title A list of parameters.
#' @param crosshairs A list of parameters.
#' @param tooltip A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/xaxis/}
ax_xaxis <- function(ax,
type = NULL,
categories = NULL,
labels = NULL,
axisBorder = NULL,
axisTicks = NULL,
tickAmount = NULL,
min = NULL,
max = NULL,
range = NULL,
floating = NULL,
position = NULL,
title = NULL,
crosshairs = NULL,
tooltip = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "xaxis", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Y-axis options
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param opposite Logical. When enabled, will draw the yaxis on the right side of the chart.
#' @param tickAmount Number of Tick Intervals to show.
#' @param max Lowest number to be set for the y-axis. The graph drawing beyond this number will be clipped off.
#' @param min Highest number to be set for the y-axis. The graph drawing beyond this number will be clipped off.
#' @param floating Logical. Floating takes y-axis is taken out of normal flow and places y-axis on svg element directly,
#' similar to an absolutely positioned element. Set the offsetX and offsetY then to adjust the position manually
#' @param labels A list of parameters.
#' @param axisBorder A list of parameters.
#' @param axisTicks A list of parameters.
#' @param title A list of parameters.
#' @param tooltip A list of parameters.
#' @param crosshairs A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/yaxis/}
ax_yaxis <- function(ax,
opposite = NULL,
tickAmount = NULL,
max = NULL,
min = NULL,
floating = NULL,
labels = NULL,
axisBorder = NULL,
axisTicks = NULL,
title = NULL,
tooltip = NULL,
crosshairs = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "yaxis", l = dropNulls(params))
#' Theme for charts
#' @param ax A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @param palette Character. Available palettes: \code{"palette1"} to \code{"palette10"}.
#' @param monochrome A list of parameters.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @export
#' @note See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/theme/}
ax_theme <- function(ax,
palette = NULL,
monochrome = NULL,
...) {
params <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))[-1]
.ax_opt2(ax, "theme", l = dropNulls(params))