
70 lines
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/grid.R
\title{Create a grid of ApexCharts}
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
row_gap = "10px",
col_gap = "0px",
grid_area = NULL,
height = NULL,
width = NULL,
.list = NULL
\item{...}{Several \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} objects.}
\item{nrow, ncol}{Number of rows and columns.}
\item{row_gap, col_gap}{Gap between rows and columns.}
\item{grid_area}{Custom grid area to make elements take more than a single
cell in grid, see \url{https://cssgrid-generator.netlify.app/} for examples.}
\item{height, width}{Height and width of the main grid.}
\item{.list}{A list of \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} objects.}
Custom \code{apex_grid} object.
Create a grid of ApexCharts
You have to provide either height for the grid or individual chart height to make it work.
data("mpg", package = "ggplot2")
# Two chart side-by-side
a1 <- mpg \%>\%
dplyr::count(manufacturer) \%>\%
apex(aes(manufacturer, n), type = "bar")
a2 <- mpg \%>\%
dplyr::count(trans) \%>\%
apex(aes(trans, n), type = "column")
apex_grid(a1, a2, height = "400px")
# More complex layout:
a3 <- mpg \%>\%
dplyr::count(drv) \%>\%
apex(aes(drv, n), type = "pie")
a1, a2, a3,
grid_area = c("1 / 1 / 3 / 2", "1 / 2 / 2 / 4", "2 / 2 / 3 / 4"),
ncol = 3, nrow = 2,
height = "600px"