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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/apex-utils.R
\title{Legend properties}
show = NULL,
position = NULL,
showForSingleSeries = NULL,
showForNullSeries = NULL,
showForZeroSeries = NULL,
horizontalAlign = NULL,
fontSize = NULL,
textAnchor = NULL,
offsetY = NULL,
offsetX = NULL,
formatter = NULL,
labels = NULL,
markers = NULL,
itemMargin = NULL,
containerMargin = NULL,
onItemClick = NULL,
onItemHover = NULL,
floating = NULL,
\item{ax}{A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.}
\item{show}{Logical. Whether to show or hide the legend container.}
\item{position}{Available position options for legend: \code{"top"}, \code{"right"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"left"}.}
\item{showForSingleSeries}{Show legend even if there is just 1 series.}
\item{showForNullSeries}{Allows you to hide a particular legend if it's series contains all null values.}
\item{showForZeroSeries}{Allows you to hide a particular legend if it's series contains all 0 values.}
\item{horizontalAlign}{Available options for horizontal alignment: \code{"right"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"left"}.}
\item{fontSize}{Sets the fontSize of legend text elements}
\item{textAnchor}{The alignment of text relative to legend's drawing position}
\item{offsetY}{Sets the top offset for legend container.}
\item{offsetX}{Sets the left offset for legend container.}
\item{formatter}{JS function. A custom formatter function to append additional text to the legend series names.}
\item{labels}{List with two items \code{"foreColor"} (Custom text color for legend labels)
and \code{"useSeriesColors"} (Logical, whether to use primary colors or not)}
\item{itemMargin}{List with two items \code{"horizontal"} (Horizontal margin for individual legend item)
and \code{"vertical"} (Vertical margin for individual legend item).}
\item{containerMargin}{List with two items \code{"top"} (Top margin for the whole legend container)
and \code{"left"} (Left margin for the whole legend container).}
\item{onItemClick}{List with item \code{"toggleDataSeries"}, logical,
when clicked on legend item, it will toggle the visibility of the series in chart.}
\item{onItemHover}{List with item \code{"highlightDataSeries"}, logical,
when hovered on legend item, it will highlight the paths of the hovered series in chart.}
\item{floating}{Logical. The floating option will take out the legend from the chart area and make it float above the chart.}
\item{...}{Additional parameters.}
A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
Legend properties
See \url{https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/legend/}
data("mpg", package = "ggplot2")
# Legend position
data = mpg,
mapping = aes(x = manufacturer, fill = year)
) \%>\%
ax_legend(position = "right")
# hide legend
data = mpg,
mapping = aes(x = manufacturer, fill = year)
) \%>\%
ax_legend(show = FALSE)