#!/usr/bin/env fish # # To load in ~/.config/fish/fish.conf or a new file in # ~/.config/fish/conf.d add: # source /etc/grc.fish (path may depend on install method) # # See also the plugin at https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-grc set -U grc_plugin_execs cat cvs df diff dig gcc g++ ls ifconfig \ make mount mtr netstat ping ps tail traceroute \ wdiff blkid du dnf docker docker-machine env id ip iostat \ last lsattr lsblk lspci lsmod lsof getfacl getsebool ulimit uptime nmap \ fdisk findmnt free semanage sar ss sysctl systemctl stat showmount tune2fs \ tcpdump tune2fs \ vmstat w who for executable in $grc_plugin_execs if type -q $executable alias $executable "grc $executable" end end