# The following matches file sizes as produced by ls -l or ls -lh # The output produced by ls -s is probably not specific # enough to be reliably matched, especially considering ls -s(k|m|g|G). # # Example lines: # -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 344M Mar 22 22:51 MVI_8735.m4v # -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 360050327 Mar 22 22:51 MVI_8735.m4v # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1.0G Nov 23 16:13 testg # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1.0K Nov 23 16:13 testk # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1.0M Nov 23 16:13 testm # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1073741824 Nov 23 16:13 testg # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1024 Nov 23 16:13 testk # -rw-r--r--. 1 user staff 1048576 Nov 23 16:13 testm # # The regexp uses lookahead to match a date following the size # size: 1M <= size < 10M regexp=\s+(\d{7}|\d(?:[,.]?\d+)?[KM])(?=\s[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s) colours=green ======= # size: 10M <= size < 100M regexp=\s+(\d{8}|\d\d(?:[,.]?\d+)?M)(?=\s[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s) colours=yellow ======= # size: 100M <= size < 1G regexp=\s+(\d{9}|\d{3}M)(?=\s[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s) colours=red ======= # size: 1G <= size regexp=\s+(\d{10,}|[\d.,]+G)(?=\s[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s) colours=bold red ======= # device major minor numbers regexp=\s(\d+),\s+(\d+)\s colours=default,bright_yellow ,yellow ======= # Date-Time => G1=Month G2=Day G3=Hour G4=Minutes G5=Year regexp=([A-Z][a-z]{2})\s([ 1-3]\d)\s(?:([0-2]?\d):([0-5]\d)(?=[\s,]|$)|\s*(\d{4})) colours=unchanged,cyan,cyan,cyan,cyan,bold magenta ======= # root regexp=\s(root|wheel)(?=\s|$) colours=unchanged,bold white on_red ======= # SELinux regexp=(\w+_u):(\w+_r):(\w+_t):(\w\d) colours=default,green,yellow,cyan,magenta - # -rwxrwxrwx ============================ # File Type regexp=(-|([bcCdDlMnpPs?]))(?=[-r][-w][-xsStT][-r][-w][-xsStT][-r][-w][-xsStT]) colours=unchanged,unchanged,bold white - # owner rwx regexp=(?<=[-bcCdDlMnpPs?])(-|(r))(-|(w))(-|([xsStT]))(?=[-r][-w][-xsStT][-r][-w][-xsStT]) colours=unchanged,unchanged,bright_green,unchanged,bright_green,unchanged,bright_green - # group rwx regexp=(?<=[-bcCdDlMnpPs?][-r][-w][-xsStT])(-|(r))(-|(w))(-|([xsStT]))(?=[-r][-w][-xsStT]) colours=unchanged,unchanged,yellow,unchanged,yellow,unchanged,yellow - # other rwx regexp=(?<=[-bcCdDlMnpPs?][-r][-w][-xsStT][-r][-w][-xsStT])(-|(r))(-|(w))(-|([xsStT])) colours=unchanged,unchanged,bright_red,unchanged,bright_red,unchanged,bright_red - # sStT all regexp=(?<=[-bcCdDlMnpPs?])[-r][-w]([sStT])[-r][-w]([sStT])[-r][-w]([sStT]) colours=unchanged,bold green,bold yellow, bold red - # ACL regexp=^\S{10}(\+) colours=unchanged,on_cyan bold white