# anything to do with irc \b\w+\b.*irc.* conf.irclog # log file \b\w+\b.*log\b conf.log # configure command (^|[/\w\.]+/)?configure conf.configure # ping command (^|[/\w\.]+/)ping6?\s conf.ping # traceroute command (^|[/\w\.]+/)traceroute6?\s conf.traceroute # gcc command (^|[/\w\.]+/)g?cc\s conf.gcc # make command (^|[/\w\.]+/)g?make\s? conf.gcc # netstat command (^|[/\w\.]+/)netstat\s? conf.netstat # diff command (^|[/\w\.]+/)diff\s? conf.diff # wdiff command (^|[/\w\.]+/)wdiff\s? conf.wdiff # last command (^|[/\w\.]+/)last\s? conf.log # ldap tools (^|[/\w\.]+/)ldap conf.ldap # cvs command (^|[/\w\.]+/)cvs\s? conf.cvs # mount command (^|[/\w\.]+/)mount\s? conf.mount # mtr command (^|[/\w\.]+/)mtr\s? conf.mtr # ps command (^|[/\w\.]+/)ps\s? conf.ps # dig command (^|[/\w\.]+/)dig\s? conf.dig # ifconfig command (^|[/\w\.]+/)ifconfig\s? conf.ifconfig # ls command (^|[/\w\.]+/)ls\s? conf.ls # mount (^|[/\w\.]+/)mount\s? conf.mount # df (^|[/\w\.]+/)df\s? conf.df # du (^|[/\w\.]+/)du\s? conf.du # ip addr/link (^|[/\w\.]+/)ip a(ddr)*\s? conf.ipaddr (^|[/\w\.]+/)ip l(ink)*\s? conf.ipaddr # ip route (^|[/\w\.]+/)ip r(oute)*\s? conf.iproute # ip neighbor (^|[/\w\.]+/)ip n(eighbor)*\s? conf.ipneighbor # env (^|[/\w\.]+/)env\s? conf.env # iptables (^|[/\w\.]+/)iptables\s? conf.iptables # lspci (^|[/\w\.]+/)lspci\s? conf.lspci # lsblk (^|[/\w\.]+/)lsblk\s? conf.lsblk # blkid (^|[/\w\.]+/)blkid\s? conf.blkid # free (^|[/\w\.]+/)free\s? conf.free # docker ----------------------------- (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker ps\s? conf.dockerps (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker images\s? conf.dockerimages (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker search\s? conf.dockersearch (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker-machine ls\s? conf.docker-machinels (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker network ls\s? conf.dockernetwork (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker info\s? conf.dockerinfo (^|[/\w\.]+/)docker version\s? conf.dockerversion # journalctl command (^|[/\w\.]+/)journalctl?\s conf.log