=================================================================== Generic Colouriser Radovan GarabĂ­k http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/software/grc.html =================================================================== Requirements: Anything with a python interpreter, with more or less work needed if it is not unix. If you have a debian system with all necessary packages installed, type dpkg-buildpackage (or dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot) in the package's directory, then type dpkg -i ../grc*deb else: 1) copy conf.* files into /usr/share/grc/ or /usr/local/share/grc/, creating directories when needed 2) copy grc.conf into /etc/ 3) copy grc and grcat somewhere to your path 4) read the README and manual pages 5) modify /etc/grc.conf if you feel like it There is a small shell script called install.sh provided, which automatically does the above steps. If you're on OS X and using Homebrew, brew install grc