# this configuration file is suitable for displaying kernel log files # example of text substitution #regexp=\bda?emon #replace=angel #colours=red #====== # example of text substitution regexp=(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) replace=\1h\2m\3s ====== # display this line in yellow and stop further processing regexp=.*last message repeated \d+ times$ colours=yellow count=stop ====== # this is date regexp=^... (\d| )\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\s[\w\d]+?\s) colours=green, green, red count=once ====== # everything in parentheses regexp=\(.+?\) colours=green count=more ====== # everything in `' regexp=\`.+?\' colours=bold yellow count=more ====== # this is probably a pathname regexp=/[\w/\.]+ colours=bold green count=more ====== # name of process and pid regexp=([\w/\.\-]+)(\[\d+?\]) colours=bold blue, bold red count=more ====== # ip number regexp=\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} colours=bold magenta count=more ====== # connect requires special attention regexp=connect colours=on_red count=more