This is first line that you will in bash script files called `shebang`. The shebang line in any script determines the script's ability to be executed like an standalone executable without typing sh, bash, python, php etc beforehand in the terminal. ``` #!/bin/bash ``` # 1. Bash Basics ### a. `export` Displays all environment variables and if you want to get detail of specific variable then use `echo $VARIABLE_NAME` Syntax: ``` export ``` Example: ``` $ export SHELL=/bin/zsh AWS_HOME=/Users/adnanadnan/.aws LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LESS=-R $ echo $SHELL /usr/bin/zsh ``` ### b. `whereis` Finds out where a specific binary is on your system. Syntax: ``` whereis `name` ``` Example: ``` $ whereis php /usr/bin/php ``` ### c. clear Clears content on window ## 1.1. File Commands ### a. `ls` Lists your files. It has a lot of options like `-l` lists files in 'long format', which contains the exact size of the file, who owns the file and who has the right to look at it, and when it was last modified. `-a` lists all files, including hidden files. For more information on this command check this [link]( Syntax: ``` ls `option` ``` Example:
$ ls -al rwxr-xr-x 33 adnan staff 1122 Mar 27 18:44 . drwxrwxrwx 60 adnan staff 2040 Mar 21 15:06 .. -rw-r--r--@ 1 adnan staff 14340 Mar 23 15:05 .DS_Store -rw-r--r-- 1 adnan staff 157 Mar 25 18:08 .bumpversion.cfg -rw-r--r-- 1 adnan staff 6515 Mar 25 18:08 .config.ini -rw-r--r-- 1 adnan staff 5805 Mar 27 18:44 .config.override.ini drwxr-xr-x 17 adnan staff 578 Mar 27 23:36 .git -rwxr-xr-x 1 adnan staff 2702 Mar 25 18:08 .gitignore### b. `touch` Creates or updates your file Syntax: ``` touch `filename` ``` Example: ``` $ touch ``` ### c. `cat` Places standard input into file. Means that it opens the file in terminal for you to edit Syntax: ``` cat > `filename` ``` ### d. `more` Shows the first part of a file (move with space and type q to quit) Syntax: ``` more `filename` ``` ### e. `head` Outputs the first 10 lines of file Syntax: ``` head `filename` ``` ### f. `tail` Outputs the last 10 lines of file. Use `-f` to output appended data as the file grows Syntax: ``` tail `filename` ``` ### g. `mv` Moves a file from one location to other Syntax: ``` mv `filename1` `filename2` ``` Where `filename1` is the source path to the file and `filename2` is the destination path to the file. ### h. `cp` Copies a file from one location to other Syntax: ``` cp `filename1` `filename2` ``` Where `filename1` is the source path to the file and `filename2` is the destination path to the file. ### i. `rm` Removes a file. But if you will apply this command on a directory directory, it will gives you an error `rm: directory: is a directory` So in order to remove directory you have to pass `-rf` to remove all the content of the directory recursively Syntax: ``` rm `filename` ``` ### j. `diff` Compares files, and shows where they differ Syntax: ``` diff `filename1` `filename2` ``` ### k. `wc` Tells you how many lines, words and characters there are in a file Syntax: ``` wc `filename` ``` Example: ``` $ wc demo.txt 7459 15915 398400 demo.txt ``` Where `7459` is lines, `15915` is words and `398400` is characters. ### l. `chmod` Lets you change the read, write, and execute permissions on your files Syntax: ``` chmod -options `filename` ``` ### m. `gzip` Compresses files Syntax: ``` gzip `filename` ``` ### n. `gunzip` Un-compresses files compressed by gzip Syntax: ``` gunzip `filename` ``` ### o. `gzcat` Lets you look at gzipped file without actually having to gunzip it Syntax: ``` gzcat `filename` ``` ### p. `lpr` Print the file Syntax: ``` lpr `filename` ``` ### q. `lpq` Check out the printer queue Syntax: ``` lpq ``` Example: ``` $ lpq Rank Owner Job File(s) Total Size active adnanad 59 demo 399360 bytes 1st adnanad 60 (stdin) 0 bytes ``` ### r. `lprm` Remove something from the printer queue Syntax: ``` lprm `jobnumber` ``` ### s. `grep` Looks for text inside files. You can use grep to search for lines of text that match one or many regular expressions, and outputs only the matching lines. Syntax: ``` grep `pattern` `filename` ``` Example: ``` $ grep admin /etc/passwd _kadmin_admin:*:218:-2:Kerberos Admin Service:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false _kadmin_changepw:*:219:-2:Kerberos Change Password Service:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false _krb_kadmin:*:231:-2:Open Directory Kerberos Admin Service:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false ``` You can also force grep to ignore word case by using `-i` option. Also `-r` can be used to search all files under the specified directory like ``` $ grep -r admin /etc/ ``` And `-w` to search for words only. ## 1.2. Directory Commands ### a. `mkdir` Makes a new directory Syntax: ``` mkdir `dirname` ``` ### b. `cd` Moves you from one directory to other. If you just run ``` $ cd ``` Then it will moves you to home. Also this command accepts an optional `dirname`, which if provided will moves you to that directory. ``` cd `dirname` ``` ### c. `pwd` Tells you in which directory you currently are Syntax: ``` pwd ``` ## 1.3. SSH, System Info & Network Commands ### a. `ssh` ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. Syntax: ``` ssh user@host ``` This command also accepts an option `-p` that can to used to connect to specific port. Syntax: ``` ssh -p `port` user@host ``` ### b. `whoami` Return current logged in username ### c. `passwd` Allows the current logged user to change his password ### d. `quota` Shows what your disk quota is Syntax: ``` quota -v ``` ### e. `date` Shows the current date and time ### f. `cal` Shows the month's calendar ### g. `uptime` Shows current uptime ### h. `w` Displays whois online ### i. `finger` Displays information about user Syntax: ``` finger `username` ``` ### j. `uname` Shows kernel information Syntax: ``` uname -a ``` ### k. `man` Shows the manual for specified command Syntax: ``` man `command` ``` ### l. `df` Shows disk usage ### m. `du` Shows the disk usage of the files and directories in filename (du -s give only a total) Syntax: ``` du `filename` ``` ### n. `last` Lists your last logins of specified user Syntax: ``` last `yourUsername` ``` ### o. `ps` Lists your processes Syntax: ``` ps -u `yourusername` ``` ### p. `kill` Kills (ends) the processes with the ID you gave Syntax: ``` kill `PID` ``` ### p. `killall` Kill all processes with the name Syntax: ``` killall `processname` ``` ### q. `top` Displays your currently active processes ### r. bg Lists stopped or background jobs ; resume a stopped job in the background ### s. `fg` Brings the most recent job in the foreground. ### t. `ping` Pings host and outputs results Syntax: ``` ping `host` ``` ### u. `whois` Gets whois information for domain Syntax: ``` whois `domain` ``` ### v. `dig` Gets DNS information for domain Syntax: ``` dig `domain` ``` ### w. `wget` Downloads file Syntax: ``` wget `file` ``` # 2. Basic Shell Programming Now lets discuss about some basic of shell programming. Lets start with creating variables first. ## 2.1. Variables Creating variable in bash is similar to other language. There are no data types. A variable in bash can contain a number, a character, a string of characters. You have no need to declare a variable, just assigning a value to its reference will create it. Example: ``` str="hello world" ``` The above line creates a variable `str` and assigns "hello world" to it. Then the value of variable is retrieved by putting the `$` in the beginning of variable name. Example: ``` echo $str # hello world ``` Also like other languages bash has also arrays. An array is variable containing multiple values. There's no maximum limit on the size of array. Array in bash are zero based. The first element is indexed with element 0. There are several ways for creating arrays in bash. Which are given below. Examples: ``` array[0] = val array[1] = val array[2] = val array=([2]=val [0]=val [1]=val) array(val val val) ``` To display a value at specific index use following syntax ``` ${array[i]} # where i is the index ``` One thing to note that if no index is supplied, array element 0 is assumed. To find out how many values there are in the array check following syntax ``` ${#array[@]} ``` Bash has also support for the ternary conditions. Check some examples below. ``` ${varname:-word} # if varname exists and isn't null, return its value; otherwise return word ${varname:=word} # if varname exists and isn't null, return its value; otherwise set it word and then return its value ${varname:+word} # if varname exists and isn't null, return word; otherwise return null ${varname:offset:length} # performs substring expansion. It returns the substring of $varname starting at offset and up to length characters ``` ## 2.2 String Substitution Check some of the syntax on how to manipulate strings ``` ${variable#pattern} # if the pattern matches the beginning of the variable's value, delete the shortest part that matches and return the rest ${variable##pattern} # if the pattern matches the beginning of the variable's value, delete the longest part that matches and return the rest ${variable%pattern} # if the pattern matches the end of the variable's value, delete the shortest part that matches and return the rest ${variable%%pattern} # if the pattern matches the end of the variable's value, delete the longest part that matches and return the rest ${variable/pattern/string} # the longest match to pattern in variable is replaced by string. Only the first match is replaced ${variable//pattern/string} # the longest match to pattern in variable is replaced by string. All matches are replaced ${#varname} # returns the length of the value of the variable as a character string ``` ## 2.3. Functions. As in almost any programming language, you can use functions to group pieces of code in a more logical way or practice the divine art of recursion. Declaring a function is just a matter of writing function my_func { my_code }. Calling a function is just like calling another program, you just write its name. Syntax: ``` functname() { shell commands } ``` Example: ``` #!/bin/bash function hello { echo world! } hello function say { echo $1 } say "hello world!" ``` When you will run above example the `hello` function will output "world!". The above two functions `hello` and `say` are identical. The main difference is function `say`. This function, prints the first argument it receives. Arguments, within funtions, are treated in the same manner as arguments given to the script. ## 2.4. Conditionals The conditional statement in bash is similar to other programming languages. Conditions have many form like the most basic form is `if` expression `then` statement where statement is only executed if expression is true. Syntax: ``` if [expression]; then will execute only if expression is true else will execute if expression is false fi ``` Sometime if conditions becoming confusing so you can write the same condition using the `case statements`. Syntax: ``` case expression in pattern1 ) statements ;; pattern2 ) statements ;; ... esac ``` Expression Examples: ``` statement1 && statement2 # both statements are true statement1 || statement2 # one of the statement is true str1=str2 # str1 matches str2 str1!=str2 # str1 does not match str2 str1