Graph divide error

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aristocratos 2020-06-21 01:38:02 +02:00
parent 08fbed7f99
commit 54ba9307bd
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ create_mini_graph() { #? Create a one line high graph from an array of percenta
while ((x<value_width)); do
#* Round current input_array value divided by 10 to closest whole number
if ((org_value<0)); then org_value=0; fi
if ((org_value<=0)); then org_value=0; fi
if ((org_value>=100)); then cur_value=10; org_value=100
elif [[ ${#org_value} -gt 1 && ${org_value:(-1)} -ge 5 ]]; then cur_value=$((${org_value::1}+1))
elif [[ ${#org_value} -gt 1 && ${org_value:(-1)} -lt 5 ]]; then cur_value=$((${org_value::1}))