use error_chain::error_chain; use std::io::Write; error_chain! { foreign_links { Clap(::clap::Error) #[cfg(feature = "minimal-application")]; Io(::std::io::Error); SyntectError(::syntect::LoadingError); ParseIntError(::std::num::ParseIntError); GlobParsingError(::globset::Error); SerdeYamlError(::serde_yaml::Error); } errors { UndetectedSyntax(input: String) { description("unable to detect syntax"), display("unable to detect syntax for {}", input) } UnknownSyntax(name: String) { description("unknown syntax"), display("unknown syntax: '{}'", name) } InvalidPagerValueBat { description("invalid value `bat` for pager property"), display("Use of bat as a pager is disallowed in order to avoid infinite recursion problems") } } } pub fn default_error_handler(error: &Error, output: &mut dyn Write) { use ansi_term::Colour::Red; match error { Error(ErrorKind::Io(ref io_error), _) if io_error.kind() == ::std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => { ::std::process::exit(0); } Error(ErrorKind::SerdeYamlError(_), _) => { writeln!( output, "{}: Error while parsing metadata.yaml file: {}", Red.paint("[bat error]"), error ) .ok(); } _ => { writeln!(output, "{}: {}", Red.paint("[bat error]"), error).ok(); } }; }