## Syntax Highlighting in bat `bat` uses the [syntect](https://github.com/trishume/syntect) library to highlight source code. As a basis, syntect uses [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) syntax definitions in the `.sublime-syntax` format. In order to add new syntaxes to `bat`, follow these steps: 1. Find a Sublime Text syntax for the given language, preferably in a separate Git repository which can be included as a submodule (under `assets/syntaxes`). 2. If the Sublime Text syntax is only available as a `.tmLanguage` file, open the file in Sublime Text and convert it to a `.sublime-syntax` file via *Tools* -> *Developer* -> *New Syntax from XXX.tmLanguage...*. Save the new file in the `assets/syntaxes` folder. 3. Run the `create.sh` script. It calls `bat cache --init` to parse all available `.sublime-syntax` files and serialize them to a `syntaxes.bin` file (in this folder). 4. Re-compile `bat`. At compilation time, the `syntaxes.bin` file will be stored inside the `bat` binary. ### Troubleshooting Make sure that the local cache does not interfere with the internally stored syntaxes and themes (`bat cache --clear`). ### Manual modifications The following files have been manually modified after converting from a `.tmLanguage` file: * `VimL.sublime-syntax` => added `.vimrc` file type.