*** Settings *** Documentation PROBLEM: ... You want to test the existence of a file in an AWS S3 bucket ... without using lower level Python code or developing a custom library. ... DISCUSSION: ... This recipe demonstrates: ... - using a Suite Teardown to end the test suite cleanly ... - using keywords from an external library ... - accessing OS Environment Variables directly using %{} syntax ... This recipe has the following external dependencies: ... $ pip install --upgrade robotframework-aws ... This recipe also requires the following OS environment variables: ... AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Suite Teardown  Delete All Sessions Library  AWSLibrary Force Tags  no-ci-testing *** Variables *** ${recipe} Recipe 14.1 AWS Simple Storage Service ${level} Intermediate ${category} External Library: AWSLibrary ${REGION} us-east-1 ${BUCKET} YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_GOES_HERE ${KEY} YOUR_FILE_PATH_GOES_HERE *** Test Cases *** Check Key Exists In Bucket  Log Variables  Create Session With Keys ${REGION} %{AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} %{AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}  Key Should Exist ${BUCKET} ${KEY}