<html>    <head>  <title>Bat Syntax Test  <meta charset="utf-8">   <script>  const x = 'world';  function logGreeting() {  console.log(`Hello, ${x}`);  }      <body>  <div>  <h1>Here find some simple tags  <br />  <p center style="color: rebeccapurple;">  Lorem <strong>ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing  elit. A quo, autem quaerat explicabo impedit mollitia amet molestiae  nulla cum architecto ducimus itaque sit blanditiis quasi animi optio ab  facilis nihil?    <p>  Here are some escaped characters: &amp; (ampersand), &agrave; (a with grave), &#8470; (numero sign).      <div>  <h1>This is a form that demonstrates loose attribute formatting  <form action="POST">  <input  disabled  type="text"  name="text input"  id="specificTextInput"  value="yes"  />      <div>  <h1>A table with normal closing tags  <table>  <caption>  Pet Features    <colgroup>  <col />  <col />  <col />    <thead>  <tr>  <th>Feature  <th>Cat  <th>Dog      <tbody>  <tr>  <td>Tail  <td>✔  <td>✔    <tr>  <td>Eyes  <td>✔  <td>✔    <tr>  <td>Ears  <td>✔  <td>✔    <tr>  <td>Barking  <td>  <td>✔    <tr>  <td>Litter Box  <td>✔  <td>          <div>  <h1>A table without closing tags  <table>  <caption>Pet Features  <colgroup><col><col><col>  <thead>  <tr> <th>Feature <th>Cat <th>Dog  <tbody>  <tr> <td>Tail <td>✔ <td>✔  <tr> <td>Eyes <td>✔ <td>✔  <tr> <td>Ears <td>✔ <td>✔  <tr> <td>Barking <td> <td>✔  <tr> <td>Litter Box <td>✔ <td>        <div>  <h1>A math section with CDATA  <p>You can add a string to a number, but this stringifies the number:  <math>  <ms>  <mo>-  <mn>7  <mo>=  <ms>