import data.matrix.notation import data.vector2 /-! Helpers that don't currently fit elsewhere... -/ lemma split_eq {m n : Type*} (x : m × n) (p p' : m × n) :  p = x ∨ p' = x ∨ (x ≠ p ∧ x ≠ p') := by tauto -- For `playfield`s, the piece type and/or piece index type. variables (X : Type*) variables [has_repr X] namespace chess.utils section repr /-- An auxiliary wrapper for `option X` that allows for overriding the `has_repr` instance for `option`, and rather, output just the value in the `some` and a custom provided `string` for `none`. -/ structure option_wrapper := (val : option X) (none_s : string) instance wrapped_option_repr : has_repr (option_wrapper X) := ⟨λ ⟨val, s⟩, ( has_repr.repr val).get_or_else s⟩ variables {X} /-- Construct an `option_wrapper` term from a provided `option X` and the `string` that will override the `has_repr.repr` for `none`. -/ def option_wrap (val : option X) (none_s : string) : option_wrapper X := ⟨val, none_s⟩ -- The size of the "vectors" for a `fin n' → X`, for `has_repr` definitions variables {m' n' : ℕ} /-- For a "vector" `X^n'` represented by the type `Π n' : ℕ, fin n' → X`, where the `X` has a `has_repr` instance itself, we can provide a `has_repr` for the "vector". This definition is used for displaying rows of the playfield, when it is defined via a `matrix`, likely through notation. -/ def vec_repr : Π {n' : ℕ}, (fin n' → X) → string := λ _ v, string.intercalate ", " ((vector.of_fn v) repr) instance vec_repr_instance : has_repr (fin n' → X) := ⟨vec_repr⟩ /-- For a `matrix` `X^(m' × n')` where the `X` has a `has_repr` instance itself, we can provide a `has_repr` for the matrix, using `vec_repr` for each of the rows of the matrix. This definition is used for displaying the playfield, when it is defined via a `matrix`, likely through notation. -/ def matrix_repr : Π {m' n'}, matrix (fin m') (fin n') X → string := λ _ _ M, string.intercalate ";\n" ((vector.of_fn M) repr) instance matrix_repr_instance :  has_repr (matrix (fin n') (fin m') X) := ⟨matrix_repr⟩ end repr end chess.utils