// `error_chain!` can recurse deeply #![recursion_limit = "1024"] #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate ansi_term; extern crate atty; extern crate console; extern crate directories; extern crate git2; extern crate syntect; mod terminal; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Stdout, StdoutLock, Write}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{self, Child, Command, Stdio}; use ansi_term::Colour::{Fixed, Green, Red, White, Yellow}; use ansi_term::Style; use atty::Stream; use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, SubCommand}; use console::Term; use directories::ProjectDirs; use git2::{DiffOptions, IntoCString, Repository}; use syntect::dumps::{dump_to_file, from_binary, from_reader}; use syntect::easy::HighlightLines; use syntect::highlighting::{Theme, ThemeSet}; use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet; use terminal::as_terminal_escaped; lazy_static! { static ref PROJECT_DIRS: ProjectDirs = ProjectDirs::from("", "", crate_name!()); } mod errors { error_chain! { foreign_links { Io(::std::io::Error); } } } use errors::*; enum OptionsStyle { Plain, LineNumbers, Full, } struct Options<'a> { true_color: bool, style: OptionsStyle, language: Option<&'a str>, interactive_terminal: bool, colored_output: bool, } enum OutputType<'a> { Pager(Child), Stdout(StdoutLock<'a>), } impl<'a> OutputType<'a> { fn new_pager() -> Result { Ok(OutputType::Pager(Command::new("less") .args(&["--quit-if-one-screen", "--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS", "--no-init"]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .chain_err(|| "Could not spawn pager")?)) } fn new_stdout(stdout: &'a Stdout) -> Self { OutputType::Stdout(stdout.lock()) } fn stdout(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Write> { Ok(match *self { OutputType::Pager(ref mut command) => command .stdin .as_mut() .chain_err(|| "Could not open stdin for pager")?, OutputType::Stdout(ref mut handle) => handle, }) } } impl<'a> Drop for OutputType<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { if let OutputType::Pager(ref mut command) = *self { let _ = command.wait(); } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum LineChange { Added, RemovedAbove, RemovedBelow, Modified, } type LineChanges = HashMap; const PANEL_WIDTH: usize = 7; const GRID_COLOR: u8 = 238; const LINE_NUMBER_COLOR: u8 = 244; #[derive(Default)] struct Colors { grid: Style, filename: Style, git_added: Style, git_removed: Style, git_modified: Style, line_number: Style, } impl Colors { fn plain() -> Self { Colors::default() } fn colored() -> Self { Colors { grid: Fixed(GRID_COLOR).normal(), filename: White.bold(), git_added: Green.normal(), git_removed: Red.normal(), git_modified: Yellow.normal(), line_number: Fixed(LINE_NUMBER_COLOR).normal(), } } } fn print_horizontal_line( handle: &mut Write, grid_color: &Style, grid_char: char, term_width: usize, ) -> Result<()> { let hline = "─".repeat(term_width - (PANEL_WIDTH + 1)); let hline = format!("{}{}{}", "─".repeat(PANEL_WIDTH), grid_char, hline); writeln!(handle, "{}", grid_color.paint(hline))?; Ok(()) } fn print_file>( options: &Options, theme: &Theme, syntax_set: &SyntaxSet, filename: P, line_changes: &Option, ) -> Result<()> { let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(filename.as_ref())?); let syntax = match options.language { Some(language) => syntax_set .syntaxes() .iter() .find(|syntax| syntax.name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(language)), None => syntax_set.find_syntax_for_file(filename.as_ref())?, }; let syntax = syntax.unwrap_or_else(|| syntax_set.find_syntax_plain_text()); let mut highlighter = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme); let stdout = io::stdout(); let mut output_type = if options.interactive_terminal { match OutputType::new_pager() { Ok(pager) => pager, Err(_) => OutputType::new_stdout(&stdout), } } else { OutputType::new_stdout(&stdout) }; let handle = output_type.stdout()?; let term = Term::stdout(); let (_, term_width) = term.size(); let term_width = term_width as usize; let colors = if options.colored_output { Colors::colored() } else { Colors::plain() }; // Show file name and bars for all but plain style match options.style { OptionsStyle::LineNumbers | OptionsStyle::Full => { print_horizontal_line(handle, &colors.grid, '┬', term_width)?; writeln!( handle, "{}{} File {}", " ".repeat(PANEL_WIDTH), colors.grid.paint("│"), colors.filename.paint(filename.as_ref().to_string_lossy()) )?; print_horizontal_line(handle, &colors.grid, '┼', term_width)?; } OptionsStyle::Plain => {} }; for (idx, maybe_line) in reader.lines().enumerate() { let line_nr = idx + 1; let line = maybe_line.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()); let regions = highlighter.highlight(&line); let line_change = if let Some(ref changes) = *line_changes { match changes.get(&(line_nr as u32)) { Some(&LineChange::Added) => colors.git_added.paint("+"), Some(&LineChange::RemovedAbove) => colors.git_removed.paint("‾"), Some(&LineChange::RemovedBelow) => colors.git_removed.paint("_"), Some(&LineChange::Modified) => colors.git_modified.paint("~"), _ => Style::default().paint(" "), } } else { Style::default().paint(" ") }; match options.style { // Show only content for plain style OptionsStyle::Plain => writeln!( handle, "{}", as_terminal_escaped(®ions, options.true_color, options.colored_output) )?, _ => writeln!( handle, "{} {} {} {}", colors.line_number.paint(format!("{:4}", line_nr)), // Show git modification markers only for full style match options.style { OptionsStyle::Full => line_change, _ => Style::default().paint(" "), }, colors.grid.paint("│"), as_terminal_escaped(®ions, options.true_color, options.colored_output) )?, } } // Show bars for all but plain style match options.style { OptionsStyle::LineNumbers | OptionsStyle::Full => { print_horizontal_line(handle, &colors.grid, '┴', term_width)? } OptionsStyle::Plain => {} }; Ok(()) } fn get_git_diff(filename: &str) -> Option { let repo = Repository::discover(&filename).ok()?; let path_absolute = fs::canonicalize(&filename).ok()?; let path_relative_to_repo = path_absolute.strip_prefix(repo.workdir()?).ok()?; let mut diff_options = DiffOptions::new(); let pathspec = path_relative_to_repo.into_c_string().ok()?; diff_options.pathspec(pathspec); diff_options.context_lines(0); let diff = repo.diff_index_to_workdir(None, Some(&mut diff_options)) .ok()?; let mut line_changes: LineChanges = HashMap::new(); let mark_section = |line_changes: &mut LineChanges, start: u32, end: i32, change: LineChange| { for line in start..(end + 1) as u32 { line_changes.insert(line, change); } }; let _ = diff.foreach( &mut |_, _| true, None, Some(&mut |delta, hunk| { let path = delta.new_file().path().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("")); if path_relative_to_repo != path { return false; } let old_lines = hunk.old_lines(); let new_start = hunk.new_start(); let new_lines = hunk.new_lines(); let new_end = (new_start + new_lines) as i32 - 1; if old_lines == 0 && new_lines > 0 { mark_section(&mut line_changes, new_start, new_end, LineChange::Added); } else if new_lines == 0 && old_lines > 0 { if new_start == 0 { mark_section(&mut line_changes, 1, 1, LineChange::RemovedAbove); } else { mark_section( &mut line_changes, new_start, new_start as i32, LineChange::RemovedBelow, ); } } else { mark_section(&mut line_changes, new_start, new_end, LineChange::Modified); } true }), None, ); Some(line_changes) } fn is_truecolor_terminal() -> bool { env::var("COLORTERM") .map(|colorterm| colorterm == "truecolor" || colorterm == "24bit") .unwrap_or(false) } struct HighlightingAssets { pub syntax_set: SyntaxSet, pub theme_set: ThemeSet, } impl HighlightingAssets { fn from_files() -> Result { let config_dir = PROJECT_DIRS.config_dir(); let theme_dir = config_dir.join("themes"); let theme_set = ThemeSet::load_from_folder(&theme_dir).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "Could not load themes from '{}'", theme_dir.to_string_lossy() ), ) })?; let mut syntax_set = SyntaxSet::new(); let syntax_dir = config_dir.join("syntax"); let _ = syntax_set.load_syntaxes(syntax_dir, false); syntax_set.load_plain_text_syntax(); Ok(HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, }) } fn save(&self) -> Result<()> { let cache_dir = PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir(); let theme_set_path = cache_dir.join("theme_set"); let syntax_set_path = cache_dir.join("syntax_set"); let _ = fs::create_dir(cache_dir); dump_to_file(&self.theme_set, &theme_set_path).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "Could not save theme set to {}", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy() ), ) })?; println!("Wrote theme set to {}", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy()); dump_to_file(&self.syntax_set, &syntax_set_path).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "Could not save syntax set to {}", syntax_set_path.to_string_lossy() ), ) })?; println!("Wrote syntax set to {}", syntax_set_path.to_string_lossy()); Ok(()) } fn from_cache() -> Result { let cache_dir = PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir(); let theme_set_path = cache_dir.join("theme_set"); let syntax_set_path = cache_dir.join("syntax_set"); let syntax_set_file = File::open(&syntax_set_path).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not load cached syntax set '{}'", syntax_set_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; let mut syntax_set: SyntaxSet = from_reader(syntax_set_file).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Could not parse cached syntax set"), ) })?; syntax_set.link_syntaxes(); let theme_set_file = File::open(&theme_set_path).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not load cached theme set '{}'", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; let theme_set: ThemeSet = from_reader(theme_set_file).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Could not parse cached theme set"), ) })?; Ok(HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, }) } fn from_binary() -> Self { let mut syntax_set: SyntaxSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../assets/syntax_set")); syntax_set.link_syntaxes(); let theme_set: ThemeSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../assets/theme_set")); HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, } } } fn run() -> Result<()> { let interactive_terminal = atty::is(Stream::Stdout); let clap_color_setting = if interactive_terminal { AppSettings::ColoredHelp } else { AppSettings::ColorNever }; let app_matches = App::new(crate_name!()) .version(crate_version!()) .setting(clap_color_setting) .setting(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder) .setting(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage) .setting(AppSettings::NextLineHelp) .setting(AppSettings::DisableVersion) .max_term_width(90) .about(crate_description!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("language") .short("l") .long("language") .help("Language of the file(s)") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("FILE") .help("File(s) to print") .multiple(true) .empty_values(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("style") .short("s") .long("style") .possible_values(&["plain", "line-numbers", "full"]) .default_value("full") .help("Additional info to display along with content"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("color") .short("c") .long("color") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["auto", "never", "always"]) .default_value("auto") .help("When to use colors"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("init-cache") .about("Load syntax definitions and themes into cache"), ) .help_message("Print this help message.") .version_message("Show version information.") .get_matches(); match app_matches.subcommand() { ("init-cache", Some(_)) => { let assets = HighlightingAssets::from_files()?; assets.save()?; } _ => { let options = Options { true_color: is_truecolor_terminal(), style: match app_matches.value_of("style").unwrap() { "plain" => OptionsStyle::Plain, "line-numbers" => OptionsStyle::LineNumbers, _ => OptionsStyle::Full, }, language: app_matches.value_of("language"), interactive_terminal, colored_output: match app_matches.value_of("color") { Some("always") => true, Some("never") => false, _ => interactive_terminal, }, }; let assets = HighlightingAssets::from_cache().unwrap_or(HighlightingAssets::from_binary()); let theme = assets.theme_set.themes.get("Default").ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Could not find 'Default' theme"), ) })?; if let Some(files) = app_matches.values_of("FILE") { for file in files { let line_changes = get_git_diff(&file.to_string()); print_file(&options, theme, &assets.syntax_set, file, &line_changes)?; } } } } Ok(()) } fn main() { let result = run(); if let Err(error) = result { match error { Error(ErrorKind::Io(ref io_error), _) if io_error.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => {} _ => { eprintln!("{}: {}", Red.paint("[bat error]"), error); process::exit(1); } }; } }