use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter}; // Wrapper to avoid unnecessary branching when input doesn't have ANSI escape sequences. pub struct AnsiStyle { attributes: Option, } impl AnsiStyle { pub fn new() -> Self { AnsiStyle { attributes: None } } pub fn update(&mut self, sequence: &str) -> bool { match &mut self.attributes { Some(a) => a.update(sequence), None => { self.attributes = Some(Attributes::new()); self.attributes.as_mut().unwrap().update(sequence) } } } } impl Display for AnsiStyle { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self.attributes { Some(ref a) => a.fmt(f), None => Ok(()), } } } struct Attributes { foreground: String, background: String, underlined: String, /// The character set to use. /// REGEX: `\^[()][AB0-3]` charset: String, /// A buffer for unknown sequences. unknown_buffer: String, /// ON: ^[1m /// OFF: ^[22m bold: String, /// ON: ^[2m /// OFF: ^[22m dim: String, /// ON: ^[4m /// OFF: ^[24m underline: String, /// ON: ^[3m /// OFF: ^[23m italic: String, /// ON: ^[9m /// OFF: ^[29m strike: String, } impl Attributes { pub fn new() -> Self { Attributes { foreground: "".to_owned(), background: "".to_owned(), underlined: "".to_owned(), charset: "".to_owned(), unknown_buffer: "".to_owned(), bold: "".to_owned(), dim: "".to_owned(), underline: "".to_owned(), italic: "".to_owned(), strike: "".to_owned(), } } /// Update the attributes with an escape sequence. /// Returns `false` if the sequence is unsupported. pub fn update(&mut self, sequence: &str) -> bool { let mut chars = sequence.char_indices().skip(1); if let Some((_, t)) = { match t { '(' => self.update_with_charset('(',|(_, c)| c)), ')' => self.update_with_charset(')',|(_, c)| c)), '[' => { if let Some((i, last)) = chars.last() { // SAFETY: Always starts with ^[ and ends with m. self.update_with_csi(last, &sequence[2..i]) } else { false } } _ => self.update_with_unsupported(sequence), } } else { false } } fn sgr_reset(&mut self) { self.foreground.clear(); self.background.clear(); self.underlined.clear(); self.bold.clear(); self.dim.clear(); self.underline.clear(); self.italic.clear(); self.strike.clear(); } fn update_with_sgr(&mut self, parameters: &str) -> bool { let mut iter = parameters .split(';') .map(|p| if p.is_empty() { "0" } else { p }) .map(|p| p.parse::()) .map(|p| p.unwrap_or(0)); // Treat errors as 0. while let Some(p) = { match p { 0 => self.sgr_reset(), 1 => self.bold = format!("\x1B[{}m", parameters), 2 => self.dim = format!("\x1B[{}m", parameters), 3 => self.italic = format!("\x1B[{}m", parameters), 4 => self.underline = format!("\x1B[{}m", parameters), 23 => self.italic.clear(), 24 => self.underline.clear(), 22 => { self.bold.clear(); self.dim.clear(); } 30..=39 => self.foreground = Self::parse_color(p, &mut iter), 40..=49 => self.background = Self::parse_color(p, &mut iter), 58..=59 => self.underlined = Self::parse_color(p, &mut iter), 90..=97 => self.foreground = Self::parse_color(p, &mut iter), 100..=107 => self.foreground = Self::parse_color(p, &mut iter), _ => { // Unsupported SGR sequence. // Be compatible and pretend one just wasn't was provided. } } } true } fn update_with_csi(&mut self, finalizer: char, sequence: &str) -> bool { if finalizer == 'm' { self.update_with_sgr(sequence) } else { false } } fn update_with_unsupported(&mut self, sequence: &str) -> bool { self.unknown_buffer.push_str(sequence); false } fn update_with_charset(&mut self, kind: char, set: impl Iterator) -> bool { self.charset = format!("\x1B{}{}", kind, set.take(1).collect::()); true } fn parse_color(color: u16, parameters: &mut dyn Iterator) -> String { match color % 10 { 8 => match { Some(5) /* 256-color */ => format!("\x1B[{};5;{}m", color, join(";", 1, parameters)), Some(2) /* 24-bit color */ => format!("\x1B[{};2;{}m", color, join(";", 3, parameters)), Some(c) => format!("\x1B[{};{}m", color, c), _ => "".to_owned(), }, 9 => "".to_owned(), _ => format!("\x1B[{}m", color), } } } impl Display for Attributes { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}", self.foreground, self.background, self.underlined, self.charset, self.bold, self.dim, self.underline, self.italic, self.strike, ) } } fn join( delimiter: &str, limit: usize, iterator: &mut dyn Iterator, ) -> String { iterator .take(limit) .map(|i| i.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(delimiter) }