import java.util.Scanner; /* This Java program was submiited to help bat  * with its syntax highlighting tests  */ public class Main {  public static void main(String[] arg)  {  Scanner st = new Scanner(;  int t;  t = st.nextInt();  String tem;  tem = st.nextLine();  for(int zz=0;zz<t;zz++)  {  String str;  str = st.nextLine();  int n = str.length();  char ch;  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)  {  ch = str.charAt(i);  if(ch=='a')  System.out.print("n");  else if(ch=='s')  System.out.print("i");  else  System.out.print(ch);  }  System.out.println();  }  while(t!=0) {  // Decrement t  t -= 1;  }  } }