bat 0.20.0 (e735562-modified) A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration. USAGE: bat [OPTIONS] [FILE]... bat OPTIONS: -A, --show-all Show non-printable characters (space, tab, newline, ..). -p, --plain Show plain style (alias for '--style=plain'). -l, --language Set the language for syntax highlighting. -H, --highlight-line ... Highlight lines N through M. --file-name ... Specify the name to display for a file. -d, --diff Only show lines that have been added/removed/modified. --tabs Set the tab width to T spaces. --wrap Specify the text-wrapping mode (*auto*, never, character). -n, --number Show line numbers (alias for '--style=numbers'). --color When to use colors (*auto*, never, always). --italic-text Use italics in output (always, *never*) --decorations When to show the decorations (*auto*, never, always). --paging Specify when to use the pager, or use `-P` to disable (*auto*, never, always). -m, --map-syntax ... Use the specified syntax for files matching the glob pattern ('*.cpp:C++'). --theme Set the color theme for syntax highlighting. --list-themes Display all supported highlighting themes. --style Comma-separated list of style elements to display (*auto*, full, plain, changes, header, grid, rule, numbers, snip). -r, --line-range ... Only print the lines from N to M. -L, --list-languages Display all supported languages. -h, --help Print this help message. -V, --version Show version information. ARGS: ... File(s) to print / concatenate. Use '-' for standard input. SUBCOMMANDS: cache Modify the syntax-definition and theme cache Note: `bat -h` prints a short and concise overview while `bat --help` gives all details.