use std::fmt::Write; use crate::{ nonprintable_notation::NonprintableNotation, vscreen::{EscapeSequenceOffsets, EscapeSequenceOffsetsIterator}, }; /// Expand tabs like an ANSI-enabled expand(1). pub fn expand_tabs(line: &str, width: usize, cursor: &mut usize) -> String { let mut buffer = String::with_capacity(line.len() * 2); for seq in EscapeSequenceOffsetsIterator::new(line) { match seq { EscapeSequenceOffsets::Text { .. } => { let mut text = &line[seq.index_of_start()..seq.index_past_end()]; while let Some(index) = text.find('\t') { // Add previous text. if index > 0 { *cursor += index; buffer.push_str(&text[0..index]); } // Add tab. let spaces = width - (*cursor % width); *cursor += spaces; buffer.push_str(&" ".repeat(spaces)); // Next. text = &text[index + 1..text.len()]; } *cursor += text.len(); buffer.push_str(text); } _ => { // Copy the ANSI escape sequence. buffer.push_str(&line[seq.index_of_start()..seq.index_past_end()]) } } } buffer } fn try_parse_utf8_char(input: &[u8]) -> Option<(char, usize)> { let str_from_utf8 = |seq| std::str::from_utf8(seq).ok(); let decoded = input .get(0..1) .and_then(str_from_utf8) .map(|c| (c, 1)) .or_else(|| input.get(0..2).and_then(str_from_utf8).map(|c| (c, 2))) .or_else(|| input.get(0..3).and_then(str_from_utf8).map(|c| (c, 3))) .or_else(|| input.get(0..4).and_then(str_from_utf8).map(|c| (c, 4)));|(seq, n)| (seq.chars().next().unwrap(), n)) } pub fn replace_nonprintable( input: &[u8], tab_width: usize, nonprintable_notation: NonprintableNotation, ) -> String { let mut output = String::new(); let tab_width = if tab_width == 0 { 4 } else { tab_width }; let mut idx = 0; let mut line_idx = 0; let len = input.len(); while idx < len { if let Some((chr, skip_ahead)) = try_parse_utf8_char(&input[idx..]) { idx += skip_ahead; line_idx += 1; match chr { // space ' ' => output.push('·'), // tab '\t' => { let tab_stop = tab_width - ((line_idx - 1) % tab_width); line_idx = 0; if tab_stop == 1 { output.push('↹'); } else { output.push('├'); output.push_str(&"─".repeat(tab_stop - 2)); output.push('┤'); } } // line feed '\x0A' => { output.push_str(match nonprintable_notation { NonprintableNotation::Caret => "^J\x0A", NonprintableNotation::Unicode => "␊\x0A", }); line_idx = 0; } // ASCII control characters '\x00'..='\x1F' => { let c = u32::from(chr); match nonprintable_notation { NonprintableNotation::Caret => { let caret_character = char::from_u32(0x40 + c).unwrap(); write!(output, "^{caret_character}").ok(); } NonprintableNotation::Unicode => { let replacement_symbol = char::from_u32(0x2400 + c).unwrap(); output.push(replacement_symbol) } } } // delete '\x7F' => match nonprintable_notation { NonprintableNotation::Caret => output.push_str("^?"), NonprintableNotation::Unicode => output.push('\u{2421}'), }, // printable ASCII c if c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c.is_ascii_punctuation() || c.is_ascii_graphic() => { output.push(c) } // everything else c => output.push_str(&c.escape_unicode().collect::()), } } else { write!(output, "\\x{:02X}", input[idx]).ok(); idx += 1; } } output } /// Strips ANSI escape sequences from the input. pub fn strip_ansi(line: &str) -> String { let mut buffer = String::with_capacity(line.len()); for seq in EscapeSequenceOffsetsIterator::new(line) { if let EscapeSequenceOffsets::Text { .. } = seq { buffer.push_str(&line[seq.index_of_start()..seq.index_past_end()]); } } buffer } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub enum StripAnsiMode { #[default] Never, Always, Auto, } #[test] fn test_try_parse_utf8_char() { assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0x20]), Some((' ', 1))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0x20, 0x20]), Some((' ', 1))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0x20, 0xef]), Some((' ', 1))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0x00]), Some(('\x00', 1))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0x1b]), Some(('\x1b', 1))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xc3, 0xa4]), Some(('ä', 2))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xc3, 0xa4, 0xef]), Some(('ä', 2))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xc3, 0xa4, 0x20]), Some(('ä', 2))); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xe2, 0x82, 0xac]), Some(('€', 3))); assert_eq!( try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xe2, 0x82, 0xac, 0xef]), Some(('€', 3)) ); assert_eq!( try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xe2, 0x82, 0xac, 0x20]), Some(('€', 3)) ); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xe2, 0x88, 0xb0]), Some(('∰', 3))); assert_eq!( try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xf0, 0x9f, 0x8c, 0x82]), Some(('🌂', 4)) ); assert_eq!( try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xf0, 0x9f, 0x8c, 0x82, 0xef]), Some(('🌂', 4)) ); assert_eq!( try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xf0, 0x9f, 0x8c, 0x82, 0x20]), Some(('🌂', 4)) ); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[]), None); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xef]), None); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xef, 0x20]), None); assert_eq!(try_parse_utf8_char(&[0xf0, 0xf0]), None); } #[test] fn test_strip_ansi() { // The sequence detection is covered by the tests in the vscreen module. assert_eq!(strip_ansi("no ansi"), "no ansi"); assert_eq!(strip_ansi("\x1B[33mone"), "one"); assert_eq!( strip_ansi("\x1B]1\x07multiple\x1B[J sequences"), "multiple sequences" ); }