a = -> 1 const b = --> 2 var c = ~> 3 d = ~~> e = (a) -> (b) ~> (c) --> (d, e) ~~> 5 dashes-identifiers = ->  a - a  b -- c  1-1 1- -1  a- a  a -a //abc #eaze #@ // // a #baze // publi if it is \abc and ($-y = !(a,) ->) ~= map //a#// then match that | _ | otherwise => implements $("#abc #@a") switch |a=>b | a then b if a => b else c underscores_i$d = -> /regexp1/ and //regexp2//g 'strings' and "strings" and \strings ([2 til 10] or [1 to 50])  |> map (* 2)  |> filter (> 5)  |> fold (+) setTimeout _, 3000 <| do-stuff _.map; _abc; __ class Class extends Anc-est-or  (args) -> copy = (from, to, callback) -->  error, data <- read file  return callback error if error?  error <~ write file, data  return callback error if error?  callback() $(\#gafBr).text $t.fmtFloat(efb.gaf) -> ~> ~~> --> # Comment /* Comment */ # error, data <- read file  /* error, data <- read file */ add = (a=1, b=2) --> a + b add 1 2 do-stuff! do-stuff? # do-stuff? 1 do-stuff + 1 @do-stuff +1 @do-stuff /1 a b c |> d <| e f(g) 'cats' is 'cats' 'cats' `_.is-insensitive` 'CATS' setTimeout _, 1000 <| !-> console.log 'Who summoned me' private-list = yield @get-private-list! switch | true => "#@@spaghetti" ~function add a=1, b=2 => a + b row.0._id new Spaghetti (++a++) (++ 2 ++) (.cool.) (+ a -) (/ 2 *) (ina -a in) (-> a) (ina in$a) (a is-in) (in) ((((((+ a((a))))))))