// `error_chain!` can recurse deeply #![recursion_limit = "1024"] mod app; mod assets; mod clap_app; mod config; mod directories; mod input; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io; use std::io::{BufReader, Write}; use std::path::Path; use std::process; use ansi_term::Colour::Green; use ansi_term::Style; use crate::{ app::App, config::{config_file, generate_config_file}, }; use assets::{assets_from_cache_or_binary, cache_dir, clear_assets, config_dir}; use clap::crate_version; use directories::PROJECT_DIRS; use globset::GlobMatcher; use bat::{ assets::HighlightingAssets, config::Config, controller::Controller, error::*, input::Input, style::{StyleComponent, StyleComponents}, MappingTarget, PagingMode, }; const THEME_PREVIEW_DATA: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../../assets/theme_preview.rs"); fn run_cache_subcommand(matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { if matches.is_present("build") { let source_dir = matches .value_of("source") .map(Path::new) .unwrap_or_else(|| PROJECT_DIRS.config_dir()); let target_dir = matches .value_of("target") .map(Path::new) .unwrap_or_else(|| PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir()); let blank = matches.is_present("blank"); let assets = HighlightingAssets::from_files(source_dir, !blank)?; assets.save_to_cache(target_dir, crate_version!())?; } else if matches.is_present("clear") { clear_assets(); } Ok(()) } fn get_syntax_mapping_to_paths<'a>( mappings: &[(GlobMatcher, MappingTarget<'a>)], ) -> HashMap<&'a str, Vec> { let mut map = HashMap::new(); for mapping in mappings { match mapping { (_, MappingTarget::MapToUnknown) => {} (matcher, MappingTarget::MapTo(s)) => { let globs = map.entry(*s).or_insert_with(Vec::new); globs.push(matcher.glob().glob().into()); } } } map } pub fn get_languages(config: &Config) -> Result { let mut result: String = String::new(); let assets = assets_from_cache_or_binary()?; let mut languages = assets .syntaxes() .iter() .filter(|syntax| !syntax.hidden && !syntax.file_extensions.is_empty()) .cloned() .collect::>(); // Handling of file-extension conflicts, see issue #1076 for lang in languages.iter_mut() { let lang_name = lang.name.clone(); lang.file_extensions.retain(|extension| { // The 'extension' variable is not certainly a real extension. // // Skip if 'extension' starts with '.', likely a hidden file like '.vimrc' // Also skip if the 'extension' contains another real extension, likely // that is a full match file name like 'CMakeLists.txt' and 'Cargo.lock' if extension.starts_with('.') || Path::new(extension).extension().is_some() { true } else { let test_file = Path::new("test").with_extension(extension); match assets.syntax_for_file_name(test_file, &config.syntax_mapping) { Some(syntax) => syntax.name == lang_name, None => false, } } }); } languages.sort_by_key(|lang| lang.name.to_uppercase()); let configured_languages = get_syntax_mapping_to_paths(config.syntax_mapping.mappings()); for lang in languages.iter_mut() { if let Some(additional_paths) = configured_languages.get(lang.name.as_str()) { lang.file_extensions .extend(additional_paths.iter().cloned()); } } if config.loop_through { for lang in languages { result += &format!("{}:{}\n", lang.name, lang.file_extensions.join(",")); } } else { let longest = languages .iter() .map(|syntax| syntax.name.len()) .max() .unwrap_or(32); // Fallback width if they have no language definitions. let comma_separator = ", "; let separator = " "; // Line-wrapping for the possible file extension overflow. let desired_width = config.term_width - longest - separator.len(); let style = if config.colored_output { Green.normal() } else { Style::default() }; for lang in languages { result += &format!("{:width$}{}", lang.name, separator, width = longest); // Number of characters on this line so far, wrap before `desired_width` let mut num_chars = 0; let mut extension = lang.file_extensions.iter().peekable(); while let Some(word) = extension.next() { // If we can't fit this word in, then create a line break and align it in. let new_chars = word.len() + comma_separator.len(); if num_chars + new_chars >= desired_width { num_chars = 0; result += &format!("\n{:width$}{}", "", separator, width = longest); } num_chars += new_chars; result += &format!("{}", style.paint(&word[..])); if extension.peek().is_some() { result += comma_separator; } } result += "\n"; } } Ok(result) } fn theme_preview_file<'a>() -> Input<'a> { Input::from_reader(Box::new(BufReader::new(THEME_PREVIEW_DATA))) } pub fn list_themes(cfg: &Config) -> Result<()> { let assets = assets_from_cache_or_binary()?; let mut config = cfg.clone(); let mut style = HashSet::new(); style.insert(StyleComponent::Plain); config.language = Some("Rust"); config.style_components = StyleComponents(style); let stdout = io::stdout(); let mut stdout = stdout.lock(); if config.colored_output { for theme in assets.themes() { writeln!( stdout, "Theme: {}\n", Style::new().bold().paint(theme.to_string()) )?; config.theme = theme.to_string(); Controller::new(&config, &assets) .run(vec![theme_preview_file()]) .ok(); writeln!(stdout)?; } writeln!( stdout, "Further themes can be installed to '{}', \ and are added to the cache with `bat cache --build`. \ For more information, see:\n\n \ https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#adding-new-themes", config_file().join("themes").to_string_lossy() )?; } else { for theme in assets.themes() { writeln!(stdout, "{}", theme)?; } } Ok(()) } fn run_controller(inputs: Vec, config: &Config) -> Result { let assets = assets_from_cache_or_binary()?; let controller = Controller::new(&config, &assets); controller.run(inputs) } /// Returns `Err(..)` upon fatal errors. Otherwise, returns `Ok(true)` on full success and /// `Ok(false)` if any intermediate errors occurred (were printed). fn run() -> Result { let app = App::new()?; if app.matches.is_present("diagnostic") { use bugreport::{bugreport, collectors::*}; bugreport!() .info(SoftwareVersion::default()) .info(OperatingSystem::default()) .info(CommandLine::default()) .info(EnvironmentVariables::list(&[ "SHELL", "PAGER", "BAT_PAGER", "BAT_CONFIG_PATH", "BAT_STYLE", "BAT_THEME", "BAT_TABS", ])) .print_markdown(); return Ok(true); } match app.matches.subcommand() { ("cache", Some(cache_matches)) => { // If there is a file named 'cache' in the current working directory, // arguments for subcommand 'cache' are not mandatory. // If there are non-zero arguments, execute the subcommand cache, else, open the file cache. if !cache_matches.args.is_empty() { run_cache_subcommand(cache_matches)?; Ok(true) } else { let inputs = vec![Input::ordinary_file(OsStr::new("cache"))]; let config = app.config(&inputs)?; run_controller(inputs, &config) } } _ => { let inputs = app.inputs()?; let config = app.config(&inputs)?; if app.matches.is_present("list-languages") { let languages: String = get_languages(&config)?; let inputs: Vec = vec![Input::from_reader(Box::new(languages.as_bytes()))]; let plain_config = Config { style_components: StyleComponents::new(StyleComponent::Plain.components(false)), paging_mode: PagingMode::QuitIfOneScreen, ..Default::default() }; run_controller(inputs, &plain_config) } else if app.matches.is_present("list-themes") { list_themes(&config)?; Ok(true) } else if app.matches.is_present("config-file") { println!("{}", config_file().to_string_lossy()); Ok(true) } else if app.matches.is_present("generate-config-file") { generate_config_file()?; Ok(true) } else if app.matches.is_present("config-dir") { writeln!(io::stdout(), "{}", config_dir())?; Ok(true) } else if app.matches.is_present("cache-dir") { writeln!(io::stdout(), "{}", cache_dir())?; Ok(true) } else { run_controller(inputs, &config) } } } } fn main() { let result = run(); match result { Err(error) => { let stderr = std::io::stderr(); default_error_handler(&error, &mut stderr.lock()); process::exit(1); } Ok(false) => { process::exit(1); } Ok(true) => { process::exit(0); } } }