# # id_country_ap # # ipv4 hash:net ipset # # African Regional Industrial Property Organization (AP) -- # [IPDeny.com] (http://www.ipdeny.com/) # # Maintainer : IPDeny.com # Maintainer URL : http://www.ipdeny.com/ # List source URL : http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/all-zones.tar.gz # Source File Date: Fri Nov 18 12:07:19 UTC 2016 # # Category : geolocation # Version : 10 # # This File Date : Fri Nov 18 12:20:06 UTC 2016 # Update Frequency: 1 day # Aggregation : none # Entries : 3 subnets, 1024 unique IPs # # Full list analysis, including geolocation map, history, # retention policy, overlaps with other lists, etc. # available at: # # http://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=id_country_ap # # Generated by FireHOL's update-ipsets.sh # Processed with FireHOL's iprange #