reduce memleak drastically

This commit is contained in:
Jos Dehaes 2022-01-11 22:47:44 +01:00
parent 682746ff0e
commit 30b33730b3

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ tab-size = 4
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
#include <sys/limits.h>
#include <vector>
#include <vm/vm_param.h>
#include <kvm.h>
#include <paths.h>
@ -100,6 +101,9 @@ namespace Cpu {
namespace Mem {
double old_uptime;
std::vector<string> zpools;
void get_zpools();
namespace Shared {
@ -169,6 +173,7 @@ namespace Shared {
//? Init for namespace Mem
Mem::old_uptime = system_uptime();
} // namespace Shared
@ -239,19 +244,23 @@ namespace Cpu {
bool get_sensors() {
got_sensors = false;
if (Config::getB("show_coretemp") and Config::getB("check_temp")) {
int32_t temp;
size_t size = sizeof(temp);
if (sysctlbyname("dev.cpu.0.temperature", &temp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) {
Logger::warning("Could not get temp sensor - maybe you need to load the coretemp module");
} else {
got_sensors = true;
int32_t temp;
size_t size = sizeof(temp);
if (sysctlbyname("dev.cpu.0.temperature", &temp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) {
Logger::warning("Could not get temp sensor - maybe you need to load the coretemp module");
} else {
got_sensors = true;
int temp;
size_t size = sizeof(temp);
sysctlbyname("dev.cpu.0.coretemp.tjmax", &temp, &size, NULL, 0); //asuming the max temp is same for all cores
temp = (temp - 2732) / 10; // since it's an int, it's multiplied by 10, and offset to absolute zero...
current_cpu.temp_max = temp;
return got_sensors;
void update_sensors() {
current_cpu.temp_max = 95; // we have no idea how to get the critical temp
int temp;
size_t size = sizeof(temp);
sysctlbyname("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature", &temp, &size, NULL, 0);
@ -499,23 +508,35 @@ namespace Mem {
class PipeWrapper {
PipeWrapper(const char *file, const char *mode) {fd = popen(file, mode);}
virtual ~PipeWrapper() {std::fclose(fd);}
virtual ~PipeWrapper() {if (fd) pclose(fd);}
auto operator()() -> FILE* { return fd;};
FILE *fd;
// find all zpools in the system. Do this only at startup.
void get_zpools() {
PipeWrapper poolPipe = PipeWrapper("zpool list -H -o name", "r");
while (not std::feof(poolPipe())) {
char poolName[512];
size_t len = 512;
if (fgets(poolName, len, poolPipe())) {
poolName[strcspn(poolName, "\n")] = 0;
Logger::debug("zpool found: " + string(poolName));
void collect_disk(unordered_flat_map<string, disk_info> &disks, unordered_flat_map<string, string> &mapping) {
// this bit is for 'regular' mounts
static struct statinfo cur, last;
static struct statinfo cur;
long double etime = 0;
uint64_t total_bytes_read;
uint64_t total_bytes_write;
static std::unique_ptr<struct devinfo, decltype(std::free)*> curDevInfo (reinterpret_cast<struct devinfo*>(std::calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo))), std::free);
static std::unique_ptr<struct devinfo, decltype(std::free)*> lastDevInfo (reinterpret_cast<struct devinfo*>(std::calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo))), std::free);
cur.dinfo = curDevInfo.get();
last.dinfo = lastDevInfo.get();
if (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &cur) != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < cur.dinfo->numdevs; i++) {
@ -535,43 +556,37 @@ namespace Mem {
// this code is for ZFS mounts
PipeWrapper poolPipe = PipeWrapper("zpool list -H -o name", "r");
if (poolPipe()) {
while (not std::feof(poolPipe())) {
char poolName[512];
for (string poolName : Mem::zpools) {
char sysCtl[1024];
snprintf(sysCtl, sizeof(sysCtl), "sysctl kstat.zfs.%s.dataset | grep dataset_name", poolName.c_str());
Logger::debug(poolName + string("->") + string(sysCtl));
PipeWrapper f = PipeWrapper(sysCtl, "r");
if (f()) {
char buf[512];
size_t len = 512;
if (fgets(poolName, len, poolPipe())) {
poolName[strcspn(poolName, "\n")] = 0;
char sysCtl[1024];
snprintf(sysCtl, sizeof(sysCtl), "sysctl kstat.zfs.%s.dataset", poolName);
PipeWrapper f = PipeWrapper(sysCtl, "r");
if (f()) {
char buf[512];
while (not std::feof(f())) {
uint64_t nread, nwritten;
string datasetname; // this is the zfs volume, like 'zroot/usr/home' -> this maps onto the device we get back from getmntinfo(3)
if (fgets(buf, len, f())) {
char *name = std::strtok(buf, ": \n");
char *value = std::strtok(NULL, ": \n");
if (string(name).find("dataset_name") != string::npos) {
// create entry if datasetname matches with anything in mapping
// relies on the fact that the dataset name is last value in the list
// alternatively you could parse the objset-0x... when this changes, you have a new entry
datasetname = string(value);
if (mapping.contains(datasetname)) {
string mountpoint =;
if (disks.contains(mountpoint)) {
auto& disk =;
assign_values(disk, nread, nwritten);
Logger::debug("created " + datasetname + " with (" + std::to_string(nread) + "," + std::to_string(nwritten) + ")");
} else if (string(name).find("nread") != string::npos) {
nread = atoll(value);
} else if (string(name).find("nwritten") != string::npos) {
nwritten = atoll(value);
while (not std::feof(f())) {
uint64_t nread, nwritten;
if (fgets(buf, len, f())) {
char *name = std::strtok(buf, ": \n");
char *value = std::strtok(NULL, ": \n");
Logger::debug(name + string("=") + string(value));
if (string(name).find("dataset_name") != string::npos) {
// create entry if datasetname matches with anything in mapping
// relies on the fact that the dataset name is last value in the list
// alternatively you could parse the objset-0x... when this changes, you have a new entry
string datasetname = string(value);// this is the zfs volume, like 'zroot/usr/home' -> this maps onto the device we get back from getmntinfo(3)
if (mapping.contains(datasetname)) {
string mountpoint =;
if (disks.contains(mountpoint)) {
auto& disk =;
assign_values(disk, nread, nwritten);
Logger::debug("created " + datasetname + " with (" + std::to_string(nread) + "," + std::to_string(nwritten) + ")");
} else if (string(name).find("nread") != string::npos) {
nread = atoll(value);
} else if (string(name).find("nwritten") != string::npos) {
nwritten = atoll(value);