Make GPU window's size dynamic and integrate it with the rest of btop

This commit is contained in:
romner 2023-05-14 16:53:06 +02:00
parent 95b3228308
commit bcffcdf19f
5 changed files with 226 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -526,6 +526,26 @@ namespace Runner {
} }
} }
//? GPU
if (v_contains(conf.boxes, "gpu")) {
try {
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", collect_begin);
//? Start collect
auto gpu = Gpu::collect(conf.no_update);
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", draw_begin);
//? Draw box
if (not pause_output) output += Gpu::draw(gpu, conf.force_redraw, conf.no_update);
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", draw_done);
catch (const std::exception& e) {
throw std::runtime_error("Gpu:: -> " + string{e.what()});
//? MEM //? MEM
if (v_contains(conf.boxes, "mem")) { if (v_contains(conf.boxes, "mem")) {
try { try {
@ -586,26 +606,6 @@ namespace Runner {
} }
} }
//? GPU
if (v_contains(conf.boxes, "gpu")) {
try {
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", collect_begin);
//? Start collect
auto gpu = Gpu::collect(conf.no_update);
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", draw_begin);
//? Draw box
if (not pause_output) output += Gpu::draw(gpu, conf.force_redraw, conf.no_update);
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", draw_done);
catch (const std::exception& e) {
throw std::runtime_error("Gpu:: -> " + string{e.what()});
} }
catch (const std::exception& e) { catch (const std::exception& e) {
Global::exit_error_msg = "Exception in runner thread -> " + string{e.what()}; Global::exit_error_msg = "Exception in runner thread -> " + string{e.what()};

View File

@ -727,6 +727,141 @@ namespace Cpu {
} }
namespace Gpu {
int width_p = 100, height_p = 32;
int min_width = 41, min_height = 9;
int x = 1, y = 1, width = 41, height;
int b_columns, b_column_size;
int b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height;
int bproc_x, bproc_y, bproc_width, bproc_height;
bool shown = true, redraw = true, mid_line = false;
int graph_up_height;
Draw::Graph graph_upper;
Draw::Graph graph_lower;
Draw::Graph temp_graph;
Draw::Graph mem_used_graph;
Draw::Graph mem_util_graph;
Draw::Meter gpu_meter;
Draw::Meter pwr_meter;
string box;
string draw(const gpu_info& gpu, bool force_redraw, bool data_same) {
if (Runner::stopping) return "";
if (force_redraw) redraw = true;
bool show_temps = (Config::getB("check_temp"));
auto tty_mode = Config::getB("tty_mode");
auto& temp_scale = Config::getS("temp_scale");
auto& graph_symbol = (tty_mode ? "tty" : Config::getS("graph_symbol_cpu")); // TODO graph_symbol_gpu
auto& graph_bg = == "default" ? Config::getS("graph_symbol") + "_up" : graph_symbol + "_up")).at(6);
auto single_graph = Config::getB("cpu_single_graph");
string out;
out.reserve(width * height);
//* Redraw elements not needed to be updated every cycle
if (redraw) {
graph_up_height = single_graph ? height - 2 : ceil((double)(height - 2) / 2);
const int graph_low_height = height - 2 - graph_up_height - (mid_line ? 1 : 0);
out += box;
graph_upper = Draw::Graph{x + width - b_width - 3, graph_up_height, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, false, true}; // TODO cpu -> gpu
if (not single_graph) {
graph_lower = Draw::Graph{
x + width - b_width - 3,
graph_low_height, "cpu",
Config::getB("cpu_invert_lower"), true
gpu_meter = Draw::Meter{b_width - (show_temps ? 24 : 11), "cpu"};
temp_graph = Draw::Graph{6, 1, "temp", gpu.temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpu.temp_max, -23};
pwr_meter = Draw::Meter{b_width - 24, "cached"};
mem_util_graph = Draw::Graph{b_width/2 - 1, 2, "free", gpu.mem_utilization_percent, graph_symbol, 0, 0, 100, 4}; // offset so the graph isn't empty at 0-5% I/O
mem_used_graph = Draw::Graph{b_width/2 - 2, 4, "used", gpu.mem_used_percent, graph_symbol};
//* General GPU info
//? Gpu graph, clock speed & meter
out += Fx::ub + Mv::to(y + 1, x + 1) + graph_upper(gpu.gpu_percent, (data_same or redraw));
if (not single_graph)
out += Mv::to(y + graph_up_height + 1 + mid_line, x + 1) + graph_lower(gpu.gpu_percent, (data_same or redraw));
if (Config::getB("show_cpu_freq")) { // TODO show_gpu_freq
string clock_speed_string = to_string(gpu.gpu_clock_speed);
out += Mv::to(b_y, b_x + b_width - 12) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(5-clock_speed_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + clock_speed_string + " Mhz" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right;
out += Mv::to(b_y + 1, b_x + 1) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "GPU " + gpu_meter(gpu.gpu_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cpu").at(gpu.gpu_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpu.gpu_percent.back()), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + '%';
//? Temperature graph
if (show_temps) {
const auto [temp, unit] = celsius_to(gpu.temp.back(), temp_scale);
out += ' ' + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + graph_bg * 6 + Mv::l(6) + Theme::g("temp").at(clamp(gpu.temp.back() * 100 / gpu.temp_max, 0ll, 100ll))
+ temp_graph(gpu.temp, data_same or redraw);
out += rjust(to_string(temp), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + unit;
out += Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::v_line;
//? Power usage meter, power state
out += Mv::to(b_y + 2, b_x + 1) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "PWR " + pwr_meter(gpu.pwr_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cached").at(gpu.pwr_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpu.pwr_usage/1000), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + 'W'
+ " P-state: " + (gpu.pwr_state > 9 ? "" : " ") + 'P' + Theme::g("cached").at(gpu.pwr_state) + to_string(gpu.pwr_state);
//? Memory section header & clock speed
string used_memory_string = floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_used);
out += Mv::to(b_y + 3, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + "vram"
+ Theme::c("div_line") + Fx::ub + Symbols::title_right + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-8) + Symbols::div_up + Symbols::h_line
+ Theme::c("title") + "Used:" + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2+b_width%2-9-used_memory_string.size()) + Theme::c("title") + used_memory_string + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::div_right;
if (Config::getB("show_cpu_freq")) { // TODO show_gpu_freq
string clock_speed_string = to_string(gpu.mem_clock_speed);
out += Mv::to(b_y + 3, b_x + b_width/2 - 11) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(5-clock_speed_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + clock_speed_string + " Mhz" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right;
//? Memory usage borders
out += Mv::to(b_y + 5, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left+Symbols::h_line + Theme::c("title") + "I/O:" + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-6)
+ Symbols::div_right + Mv::u(1)+Mv::l(1) + Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(1)+Mv::d(2) + (Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(1)+Mv::d(1))*2;
//? Total memory usage
out += Mv::to(b_y + 4, b_x + 2) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "Total:" + rjust(floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_total), b_width/2-9) + Fx::ub;
//? Memory usage graphs & percentage
out += Mv::to(b_y+6, b_x+1) + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + mem_util_graph(gpu.mem_utilization_percent, (data_same or redraw))
+ Mv::u(3) + Mv::r(1) + mem_used_graph(gpu.mem_used_percent, (data_same or redraw));
out += Mv::to(b_y+6, b_x+1) + rjust(to_string(gpu.mem_utilization_percent.back()), 3) + '%' + Mv::u(2) + Mv::r(b_width/2-3) + rjust(to_string(gpu.mem_used_percent.back()), 3) + '%';
//? Processes section header
//out += Mv::to(b_y+8, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::title_left + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "gpu-proc" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line")
// + Symbols::title_right + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-12) + Symbols::div_down + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-2) + Symbols::div_right;
//? PCIe link throughput
string tx_string = floating_humanizer(gpu.pcie_tx, 0, 1, 0, 1);
string rx_string = floating_humanizer(gpu.pcie_rx, 0, 1, 0, 1);
out += Mv::to(b_y + b_height - 1, b_x+2) + Theme::c("div_line")
+ Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + "TX:" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-9-tx_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + tx_string + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::div_down
+ Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + "RX:" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2+b_width%2-9-rx_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + rx_string + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::round_right_down;
//* GPU graphics process list
//! TODO
//* GPU compute process list
//! TODO
redraw = false;
return out + Fx::reset;
namespace Mem { namespace Mem {
int width_p = 45, height_p = 36; int width_p = 45, height_p = 36;
int min_width = 36, min_height = 10; int min_width = 36, min_height = 10;
@ -1576,115 +1711,6 @@ namespace Proc {
} }
namespace Gpu {
int width_p = 100, height_p = 32;
int min_width = 60, min_height = 8;
int x = 1, y = 1, width = 20, height;
int b_columns, b_column_size;
int b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height;
bool shown = true, redraw = true, mid_line = false;
int graph_height;
Draw::Graph graph_upper;
Draw::Graph temp_graph;
Draw::Graph mem_used_graph;
Draw::Graph mem_util_graph;
Draw::Meter gpu_meter;
Draw::Meter pwr_meter;
string box;
string draw(const gpu_info& gpu, bool force_redraw, bool data_same) {
if (Runner::stopping) return "";
if (force_redraw) redraw = true;
bool show_temps = (Config::getB("check_temp"));
auto tty_mode = Config::getB("tty_mode");
auto& temp_scale = Config::getS("temp_scale");
auto& graph_symbol = (tty_mode ? "tty" : Config::getS("graph_symbol_cpu")); // TODO graph_symbol_gpu
auto& graph_bg = == "default" ? Config::getS("graph_symbol") + "_up" : graph_symbol + "_up")).at(6);
string out;
out.reserve(width * height);
//* Redraw elements not needed to be updated every cycle
if (redraw) {
out += box;
graph_upper = Draw::Graph{x + width - b_width - 3, height-2, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, false, true}; // TODO cpu -> gpu
gpu_meter = Draw::Meter{b_width - (show_temps ? 24 : 11), "cpu"};
temp_graph = Draw::Graph{6, 1, "temp", gpu.temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpu.temp_max, -23};
pwr_meter = Draw::Meter{b_width - 24, "cached"};
mem_util_graph = Draw::Graph{b_width/2 - 1, 2, "free", gpu.mem_utilization_percent, graph_symbol, 0, 0, 100, 4}; // offset so the graph isn't empty at 0-5% I/O
mem_used_graph = Draw::Graph{b_width/2 - 2, 4, "used", gpu.mem_used_percent, graph_symbol};
//? Core text and graphs
try {
//? Gpu graph, clock speed & meter
out += Fx::ub + Mv::to(y + 1, x + 1) + graph_upper(gpu.gpu_percent, (data_same or redraw));
if (Config::getB("show_cpu_freq")) { // TODO show_gpu_freq
string clock_speed_string = to_string(gpu.gpu_clock_speed);
out += Mv::to(b_y, b_x + b_width - 12) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(5-clock_speed_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + clock_speed_string + " Mhz" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right;
out += Mv::to(b_y + 1, b_x + 1) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "GPU " + gpu_meter(gpu.gpu_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cpu").at(gpu.gpu_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpu.gpu_percent.back()), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + '%';
//? Temperature graph
if (show_temps) {
const auto [temp, unit] = celsius_to(gpu.temp.back(), temp_scale);
out += ' ' + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + graph_bg * 6 + Mv::l(6) + Theme::g("temp").at(clamp(gpu.temp.back() * 100 / gpu.temp_max, 0ll, 100ll))
+ temp_graph(gpu.temp, data_same or redraw);
out += rjust(to_string(temp), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + unit;
out += Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::v_line;
//? Power usage meter, power state
out += Mv::to(b_y + 2, b_x + 1) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "PWR " + pwr_meter(gpu.pwr_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cached").at(gpu.pwr_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpu.pwr_usage/1000), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + 'W'
+ " P-state: " + (gpu.pwr_state > 9 ? "" : " ") + 'P' + Theme::g("cached").at(gpu.pwr_state) + to_string(gpu.pwr_state);
//? Memory section header & clock speed
string used_memory_string = floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_used);
out += Mv::to(b_y + 3, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + "vram"
+ Theme::c("div_line") + Fx::ub + Symbols::title_right + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-8) + Symbols::div_up + Symbols::h_line
+ Theme::c("title") + "Used:" + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-9-used_memory_string.size()) + Theme::c("title") + used_memory_string + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::div_right;
if (Config::getB("show_cpu_freq")) { // TODO show_gpu_freq
string clock_speed_string = to_string(gpu.mem_clock_speed);
out += Mv::to(b_y + 3, b_x + b_width/2 - 11) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(5-clock_speed_string.size())
+ Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + Theme::c("title") + clock_speed_string + " Mhz" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right;
//? Memory usage borders
out += Mv::to(b_y + 5, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left+Symbols::h_line + Theme::c("title") + "I/O:" + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-6)
+ Symbols::div_right + Mv::u(1)+Mv::l(1) + Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(1)+Mv::d(2) + (Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(1)+Mv::d(1))*2;
//? Total memory usage
out += Mv::to(b_y + 4, b_x + 2) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "Total:" + rjust(floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_total), b_width/2-9) + Fx::ub;
//? Memory usage graphs & percentage
out += Mv::to(b_y+6, b_x+1) + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + mem_util_graph(gpu.mem_utilization_percent, (data_same or redraw))
+ Mv::u(3) + Mv::r(1) + mem_used_graph(gpu.mem_used_percent, (data_same or redraw));
out += Mv::to(b_y+6, b_x+1) + rjust(to_string(gpu.mem_utilization_percent.back()), 3) + '%' + Mv::u(2) + Mv::r(b_width/2-3) + rjust(to_string(gpu.mem_used_percent.back()), 3) + '%';
//? Processes section header
out += Mv::to(b_y+8, b_x) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::div_left + Symbols::h_line + Symbols::title_left + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "gpu-proc" + Fx::ub + Theme::c("div_line")
+ Symbols::title_right + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-12) + Symbols::div_down + Symbols::h_line*(b_width/2-2) + Symbols::div_right;
//? PCIe link throughput
out += Mv::to(b_y + b_height - 1, b_x+2) + Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("main_fg") + "TX: " + floating_humanizer(gpu.pcie_tx, 0, 1, 0, 1) + Theme::c("div_line")
+ Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::title_left_down + Theme::c("main_fg") + "RX: " + floating_humanizer(gpu.pcie_rx, 0, 1, 0, 1) + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::title_right_down + Symbols::h_line*10;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
throw std::runtime_error("graphs: " + string{e.what()});
redraw = false;
return out + Fx::reset;
namespace Draw { namespace Draw {
void calcSizes() { void calcSizes() {
atomic_wait(Runner::active); atomic_wait(Runner::active);
@ -1695,10 +1721,10 @@ namespace Draw {
auto proc_left = Config::getB("proc_left"); auto proc_left = Config::getB("proc_left");
Cpu::box.clear(); Cpu::box.clear();
Mem::box.clear(); Mem::box.clear();
Net::box.clear(); Net::box.clear();
Proc::box.clear(); Proc::box.clear();
Global::clock.clear(); Global::clock.clear();
Global::overlay.clear(); Global::overlay.clear();
Runner::pause_output = false; Runner::pause_output = false;
@ -1709,24 +1735,29 @@ namespace Draw {
Input::mouse_mappings.clear(); Input::mouse_mappings.clear();
Cpu::x = Mem::x = Net::x = Proc::y = Gpu::x = 1; Cpu::x = Gpu::x = Mem::x = Net::x = Proc::y = 1;
Cpu::y = Mem::y = Net::y = Proc::y = Gpu::y = 1; Cpu::y = Gpu::y = Mem::y = Net::y = Proc::y = 1;
Cpu::width = Mem::width = Net::width = Proc::width = Gpu::width = 0; Cpu::width = Gpu::width = Mem::width = Net::width = Proc::width = 0;
Cpu::height = Mem::height = Net::height = Proc::height = Gpu::height = 0; Cpu::height = Gpu::height = Mem::height = Net::height = Proc::height = 0;
Cpu::redraw = Mem::redraw = Net::redraw = Proc::redraw = Gpu::redraw = true; Cpu::redraw = Gpu::redraw = Mem::redraw = Net::redraw = Proc::redraw = true;
Cpu::shown = s_contains(boxes, "cpu"); Cpu::shown = s_contains(boxes, "cpu");
Gpu::shown = s_contains(boxes, "gpu");
Mem::shown = s_contains(boxes, "mem"); Mem::shown = s_contains(boxes, "mem");
Net::shown = s_contains(boxes, "net"); Net::shown = s_contains(boxes, "net");
Proc::shown = s_contains(boxes, "proc"); Proc::shown = s_contains(boxes, "proc");
Gpu::shown = s_contains(boxes, "gpu");
//* Calculate and draw cpu box outlines //* Calculate and draw cpu box outlines
if (Cpu::shown) { if (Cpu::shown) {
using namespace Cpu; using namespace Cpu;
bool show_temp = (Config::getB("check_temp") and got_sensors); bool show_temp = (Config::getB("check_temp") and got_sensors);
width = round((double)Term::width * width_p / 100); width = round((double)Term::width * width_p / 100);
height = max(8, (int)ceil((double)Term::height * (trim(boxes) == "cpu" ? 100 : height_p) / 100)); if (Gpu::shown && !(Mem::shown || Net::shown || Proc::shown)) {
height = Term::height/2;
} else {
height = max(8, (int)ceil((double)Term::height * (trim(boxes) == "cpu" ? 100 : height_p/(Gpu::shown+1) + Gpu::shown*5) / 100));
x = 1; x = 1;
y = cpu_bottom ? Term::height - height + 1 : 1; y = cpu_bottom ? Term::height - height + 1 : 1;
@ -1760,6 +1791,33 @@ namespace Draw {
box += createBox(b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height, "", false, cpu_title); box += createBox(b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height, "", false, cpu_title);
} }
//* Calculate and draw gpu box outlines
if (Gpu::shown) {
using namespace Gpu;
width = Term::width;
height = max(Gpu::min_height, Cpu::shown ? Cpu::height : (int)ceil((double)Term::height * (trim(boxes) == "gpu" ? 100 : height_p) / 100));
x = 1; y = 1 + Cpu::shown*Cpu::height;
box = createBox(x, y, width, height, Theme::c("cpu_box"), true, "gpu", "", 5); // TODO gpu_box
b_height = 9;
b_width = clamp(width/2, min_width, b_height*6);
// bproc_width = b_width;
// bproc_height = height-11;
//? Main statistics box
b_x = x + width - b_width - 1;
b_y = y + ceil((double)(height - 2) / 2) - ceil((double)(b_height/*+bproc_height*/) / 2) + 1;
box += createBox(b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height, "", false, gpu_name);
//? TODO: Processes box
/*bproc_x = x + width - bproc_width - 1;
bproc_y = b_y + b_height;
box += createBox(bproc_x, bproc_y, bproc_width, bproc_height, "", false, "gpu-proc");*/
//* Calculate and draw mem box outlines //* Calculate and draw mem box outlines
if (Mem::shown) { if (Mem::shown) {
using namespace Mem; using namespace Mem;
@ -1768,13 +1826,12 @@ namespace Draw {
auto mem_graphs = Config::getB("mem_graphs"); auto mem_graphs = Config::getB("mem_graphs");
width = round((double)Term::width * (Proc::shown ? width_p : 100) / 100); width = round((double)Term::width * (Proc::shown ? width_p : 100) / 100);
height = ceil((double)Term::height * (100 - Cpu::height_p * Cpu::shown - Net::height_p * Net::shown) / 100) + 1; height = ceil((double)Term::height * (100 - Net::height_p * Net::shown*4 / ((Gpu::shown && Cpu::shown) + 4)) / 100) - Cpu::height - Gpu::height;
if (height + Cpu::height > Term::height) height = Term::height - Cpu::height;
x = (proc_left and Proc::shown) ? Term::width - width + 1: 1; x = (proc_left and Proc::shown) ? Term::width - width + 1: 1;
if (mem_below_net and Net::shown) if (mem_below_net and Net::shown)
y = Term::height - height + 1 - (cpu_bottom ? Cpu::height : 0); y = Term::height - height + 1 - (cpu_bottom ? Cpu::height + Gpu::height : 0);
else else
y = cpu_bottom ? 1 : Cpu::height + 1; y = cpu_bottom ? 1 : Cpu::height + Gpu::height + 1;
if (show_disks) { if (show_disks) {
mem_width = ceil((double)(width - 3) / 2); mem_width = ceil((double)(width - 3) / 2);
@ -1823,10 +1880,10 @@ namespace Draw {
if (Net::shown) { if (Net::shown) {
using namespace Net; using namespace Net;
width = round((double)Term::width * (Proc::shown ? width_p : 100) / 100); width = round((double)Term::width * (Proc::shown ? width_p : 100) / 100);
height = Term::height - Cpu::height - Mem::height; height = Term::height - Cpu::height - Gpu::height - Mem::height;
x = (proc_left and Proc::shown) ? Term::width - width + 1 : 1; x = (proc_left and Proc::shown) ? Term::width - width + 1 : 1;
if (mem_below_net and Mem::shown) if (mem_below_net and Mem::shown)
y = cpu_bottom ? 1 : Cpu::height + 1; y = cpu_bottom ? 1 : Cpu::height + Gpu::height + 1;
else else
y = Term::height - height + 1 - (cpu_bottom ? Cpu::height : 0); y = Term::height - height + 1 - (cpu_bottom ? Cpu::height : 0);
@ -1845,28 +1902,11 @@ namespace Draw {
if (Proc::shown) { if (Proc::shown) {
using namespace Proc; using namespace Proc;
width = Term::width - (Mem::shown ? Mem::width : (Net::shown ? Net::width : 0)); width = Term::width - (Mem::shown ? Mem::width : (Net::shown ? Net::width : 0));
height = Term::height - Cpu::height; height = Term::height - Cpu::height - Gpu::height;
x = proc_left ? 1 : Term::width - width + 1; x = proc_left ? 1 : Term::width - width + 1;
y = (cpu_bottom and Cpu::shown) ? 1 : Cpu::height + 1; y = (cpu_bottom and Cpu::shown) ? 1 : Cpu::height + Gpu::height + 1;
select_max = height - 3; select_max = height - 3;
box = createBox(x, y, width, height, Theme::c("proc_box"), true, "proc", "", 4); box = createBox(x, y, width, height, Theme::c("proc_box"), true, "proc", "", 4);
} }
//* Calculate and draw gpu box outlines
if (Gpu::shown) {
using namespace Gpu;
width = Term::width;
height = Term::height;
x = 1; y = 1;
box = createBox(x, y, width, height, Theme::c("cpu_box"), true, "gpu", "", 5); // TODO gpu_box
b_width = width/2 - width%2; // TODO
b_height = height-2;
b_x = x + width - b_width - 1;
b_y = y + ceil((double)(height - 2) / 2) - ceil((double)b_height / 2) + 1;
box += createBox(b_x, b_y, b_width, b_height, "", false, gpu_name);
} }
} }

View File

@ -322,6 +322,13 @@ namespace Gpu {
const array mem_names { "used"s, "free"s }; const array mem_names { "used"s, "free"s };
//* Container for process information
struct proc_info {
unsigned int pid;
unsigned long long mem;
//* Per-device container for GPU info
struct gpu_info { struct gpu_info {
deque<long long> gpu_percent = {}; deque<long long> gpu_percent = {};
unsigned int gpu_clock_speed = 0; // MHz unsigned int gpu_clock_speed = 0; // MHz
@ -343,6 +350,9 @@ namespace Gpu {
unsigned int pcie_tx = 0; // KB/s unsigned int pcie_tx = 0; // KB/s
unsigned int pcie_rx = 0; unsigned int pcie_rx = 0;
vector<proc_info> graphics_processes = {};
vector<proc_info> compute_processes = {};
}; };
namespace Nvml { namespace Nvml {

View File

@ -103,15 +103,18 @@ namespace Term {
bool mem = boxes.find("mem") != string::npos; bool mem = boxes.find("mem") != string::npos;
bool net = boxes.find("net") != string::npos; bool net = boxes.find("net") != string::npos;
bool proc = boxes.find("proc") != string::npos; bool proc = boxes.find("proc") != string::npos;
bool gpu = boxes.find("gpu") != string::npos;
int width = 0; int width = 0;
if (mem) width = Mem::min_width; if (mem) width = Mem::min_width;
else if (net) width = Mem::min_width; else if (net) width = Mem::min_width;
width += (proc ? Proc::min_width : 0); width += (proc ? Proc::min_width : 0);
if (cpu and width < Cpu::min_width) width = Cpu::min_width; if (cpu and width < Cpu::min_width) width = Cpu::min_width;
if (gpu and width < Gpu::min_width) width = Gpu::min_width;
int height = (cpu ? Cpu::min_height : 0); int height = (cpu ? Cpu::min_height : 0);
if (proc) height += Proc::min_height; if (proc) height += Proc::min_height;
else height += (mem ? Mem::min_height : 0) + (net ? Net::min_height : 0); else height += (mem ? Mem::min_height : 0) + (net ? Net::min_height : 0);
if (gpu) height += Gpu::min_height;
return { width, height }; return { width, height };
} }

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@ -2238,6 +2238,17 @@ namespace Gpu {
Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe RX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe RX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} }
//? TODO: Processes using GPU
/*unsigned int proc_info_len;
nvmlProcessInfo_t* proc_info = 0;
result = nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses_v3(device, &proc_info_len, proc_info);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get compute processes: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < proc_info_len; ++i)
current_gpu.graphics_processes.push_back({proc_info[i].pid, proc_info[i].usedGpuMemory});
return true; return true;
} }
} }