
327 lines
9.7 KiB

/* Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
indent = tab
tab-size = 4
#ifndef _btop_tools_included_
#define _btop_tools_included_
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
using std::string, std::to_string, std::round, std::vector, std::map, std::cin;
//? ------------------------------------------------- NAMESPACES ------------------------------------------------------
//* Collection of escape codes for text style and formatting
namespace Fx {
//* Escape sequence start
const string e = "\x1b[";
//* Bold on
const string b = e + "1m";
//* Bold off
const string ub = e + "22m";
//* Dark on
const string d = e + "2m";
//* Dark off
const string ud = e + "22m";
//* Italic on
const string i = e + "3m";
//* Italic off
const string ui = e + "23m";
//* Underline on
const string ul = e + "4m";
//* Underline off
const string uul = e + "24m";
//* Blink on
const string bl = e + "5m";
//* Blink off
const string ubl = e + "25m";
//* Strike / crossed-out on
const string s = e + "9m";
//* Strike / crossed-out off
const string us = e + "29m";
//* Reset foreground/background color and text effects
const string reset_base = e + "0m";
//* Reset text effects and restore default foregrund and background color < Changed by C_Theme
string reset = reset_base;
//* Collection of escape codes and functions for cursor manipulation
namespace Mv {
//* Move cursor to <line>, <column>
inline string to(int line, int col){ return Fx::e + to_string(line) + ";" + to_string(col) + "f";}
//* Move cursor right <x> columns
inline string r(int x){ return Fx::e + to_string(x) + "C";}
//* Move cursor left <x> columns
inline string l(int x){ return Fx::e + to_string(x) + "D";}
//* Move cursor up x lines
inline string u(int x){ return Fx::e + to_string(x) + "A";}
//* Move cursor down x lines
inline string d(int x) { return Fx::e + to_string(x) + "B";}
//* Save cursor position
const string save = Fx::e + "s";
//* Restore saved cursor postion
const string restore = Fx::e + "u";
//? --------------------------------------------------- CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------
//* Collection of escape codes and functions for terminal manipulation
class C_Term {
struct termios initial_settings;
bool initialized = false;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
bool resized = false;
//* Hide terminal cursor
const string hide_cursor = Fx::e + "?25l";
//* Show terminal cursor
const string show_cursor = Fx::e + "?25h";
//* Switch to alternate screen
const string alt_screen = Fx::e + "?1049h";
//* Switch to normal screen
const string normal_screen = Fx::e + "?1049l";
//* Clear screen and set cursor to position 0,0
const string clear = Fx::e + "2J" + Fx::e + "0;0f";
//* Enable reporting of mouse position on click and release
const string mouse_on = Fx::e + "?1002h" + Fx::e + "?1015h" + Fx::e + "?1006h";
//* Disable mouse reporting
const string mouse_off = Fx::e + "?1002l";
//* Enable reporting of mouse position at any movement
const string mouse_direct_on = Fx::e + "?1003h";
//* Disable direct mouse reporting
const string mouse_direct_off = Fx::e + "?1003l";
//* Toggle need for return key when reading input
bool linebuffered(bool on=true){
struct termios settings;
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &settings)) return false;
if (on) settings.c_lflag |= ICANON;
else settings.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON);
if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &settings)) return false;
if (on) setlinebuf(stdin);
else setbuf(stdin, NULL);
return true;
//* Toggle terminal input echo
bool echo(bool on=true){
struct termios settings;
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &settings)) return false;
if (on) settings.c_lflag |= ECHO;
else settings.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO);
return 0 == tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &settings);
//* Refresh variables holding current terminal width and height and return true if resized
bool refresh(){
struct winsize w;
resized = (width != w.ws_col || height != w.ws_row) ? true : false;
width = w.ws_col;
height = w.ws_row;
return resized;
//* Check for a valid tty, save terminal options and set new options
bool init(){
if (!initialized){
initialized = (bool)isatty(STDIN_FILENO);
if (initialized) {
initialized = (0 == tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &initial_settings));
return initialized;
//* Restore terminal options
void restore(){
if (initialized) {
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &initial_settings);
initialized = false;
C_Term() {
resized = false;
//? --------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------
//* Return number of UTF8 characters in a string
inline size_t ulen(const string& str){
size_t len = 0;
for (char c : str) if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) ++len;
return len;
//* Return current time since epoch in milliseconds
uint64_t time_ms(){
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
//* Check if a string is a valid bool value
bool isbool(string str){
return (str == "true") | (str == "false") | (str == "True") | (str == "False");
//* Check if a string is a valid integer value
bool isint(string str){
return all_of(str.begin(), str.end(), ::isdigit);
//* Convert 24-bit colors to 256 colors using 6x6x6 color cube
int truecolor_to_256(unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b){
if (r / 11 == g / 11 && g / 11 == b / 11) {
return 232 + r / 11;
} else {
return round((float)(r / 51)) * 36 + round((float)(g / 51)) * 6 + round((float)(b / 51)) + 16;
//* Generate escape sequence for 24-bit or 256 color and return as a string
//* Args hexa: ["#000000"-"#ffffff"] for color, ["#00"-"#ff"] for greyscale
//* t_to_256: [true|false] convert 24bit value to 256 color value
//* depth: ["fg"|"bg"] for either a foreground color or a background color
string hex_to_color(string hexa, bool t_to_256=false, string depth="fg"){
if (hexa.size() > 1){
hexa.erase(0, 1);
for (auto& c : hexa) if (!isxdigit(c)) return "";
depth = (depth == "fg") ? "38" : "48";
string pre = Fx::e + depth + ";";
pre += (t_to_256) ? "5;" : "2;";
if (hexa.size() == 2){
unsigned h_int = stoi(hexa, 0, 16);
if (t_to_256){
return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256(h_int, h_int, h_int)) + "m";
} else {
string h_str = to_string(h_int);
return pre + h_str + ";" + h_str + ";" + h_str + "m";
else if (hexa.size() == 6){
if (t_to_256){
return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256(
stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16),
stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16),
stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16))) + "m";
} else {
return pre +
to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16)) + ";" +
to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16)) + ";" +
to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16)) + "m";
return "";
//* Generate escape sequence for 24-bit or 256 color and return as a string
//* Args r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255]
//* t_to_256: [true|false] convert 24bit value to 256 color value
//* depth: ["fg"|"bg"] for either a foreground color or a background color
string dec_to_color(unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, bool t_to_256=false, string depth="fg"){
depth = (depth == "fg") ? "38" : "48";
string pre = Fx::e + depth + ";";
pre += (t_to_256) ? "5;" : "2;";
r = (r > 255) ? 255 : r;
g = (g > 255) ? 255 : g;
b = (b > 255) ? 255 : b;
if (t_to_256) return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256(r, g, b)) + "m";
else return pre + to_string(r) + ";" + to_string(g) + ";" + to_string(b) + "m";
//* Left-trim <t_str> from <str> and return string
string ltrim(string str, string t_str = " "){
while (str.starts_with(t_str)) str.erase(0, t_str.size());
return str;
//* Right-trim <t_str> from <str> and return string
string rtrim(string str, string t_str = " "){
while (str.ends_with(t_str)) str.resize(str.size() - t_str.size());
return str;
//* Left-right-trim <t_str> from <str> and return string
string trim(string str, string t_str = " "){
return ltrim(rtrim(str, t_str), t_str);
//* Split <string> at <delim> <times> (0 for unlimited) times and return vector
vector<string> ssplit(string str, string delim = " ", int times = 0){
vector<string> out;
if (str != "" && delim != ""){
size_t pos = 0;
int x = 0;
string tmp;
while ((pos = str.find(delim)) != string::npos){
tmp = str.substr(0, pos);
if (tmp != delim && tmp != "") out.push_back(tmp);
str.erase(0, pos + delim.size());
if (times > 0 && ++x >= times) break;
return out;
//* Return a map of "r", "g", "b", 0-255 values for a 24-bit color escape string
map<string, int> c_to_rgb(string c_string){
map<string, int> rgb = {{"r", 0}, {"g", 0}, {"b", 0}};
if (c_string.size() >= 14){
c_string.erase(0, 7);
auto c_split = ssplit(c_string, ";");
if (c_split.size() == 3){
rgb["r"] = stoi(c_split[0]);
rgb["g"] = stoi(c_split[1]);
rgb["b"] = stoi(c_split[2].erase(c_split[2].size()));
return rgb;