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2011-04-05 10:43:31 +02:00
# Munin plugin for graphing the weather information provided by BuienRadar (The Netherlands)
# Copyright (C) 2011 - Rowdy Schwachofer (http://rowdy.nl)
# BuienRadar: http://www.buienradar.nl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
### Requirements
# This plugin uses the perl module LibXML. You should have it installed... :)
### Configuration example
# Use these settings in your client config in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# For the language you can use 'nl' (Dutch) or 'en'. O well, everything except 'nl' will just show
2011-04-05 10:43:31 +02:00
# the english version. :)
# [buienradar*]
# env.language = 'en'
# env.temperature = 'yes'
# env.temperature10cm = 'yes'
# env.humidity = 'yes'
# env.windspeedMS = 'yes'
# env.windspeedBF = 'yes'
# env.airpressure = 'yes'
# env.view = 'yes'
# env.gusts = 'yes'
# env.rain = 'yes'
### Installation Example
# Below is a example to monitor station Venlo (6391). Codes for the station can be seen at the end of
# this source or can be show with the command './buienradar_ stations'
# wget -O /usr/lib/munin/plugins/buienradar_ http://exchange.munin-monitoring.org/plugins/buienradar_/version/1/download
# chmod a+x /usr/lib/munin/plugins/buienradar
# ln -s /usr/lib/munin/plugins/buienradar_ /etc/munin/plugins/buienradar_6391
# /etc/init.d/munin-node restart
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
use Data::Dumper;
# Getting the environment variabeles
2011-04-05 10:43:31 +02:00
my $LAN = $ENV{language} || "en";
my $TMP = $ENV{temperature} || "yes";
my $TMP10CM = $ENV{temperature10cm} || "yes";
my $HUM = $ENV{humidity} || "yes";
my $WSMS = $ENV{windspeedMS} || "yes";
my $WSBF = $ENV{windspeedBF} || "yes";
my $AP = $ENV{airpressure} || "yes";
my $VIEW = $ENV{view} || "yes";
my $GUSTS = $ENV{gusts} || "yes";
my $RAIN = $ENV{rain} || "yes";
# Do we need to print the station list?
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "stations") {
die print_stations();
# Getting the station
my $station = "";
if ($0 =~ /buienradar_(\w+)$/i) {
$station = $1;
} elsif (not defined $ARGV[0] or ($ARGV[0] ne "config" and $ARGV[0] ne "stations")) {
# Let's show a nice error message and display the list of stations
die "Error:\n"
."We need to know what station you want to monitor. Please set your station this way \n\n"
." ln -s /usr/lib/munin/plugins/buienradar_ /etc/munin/plugins/buienradar_STATIONCODE\n\n"
# Let's first try to find the station that is requested
my $xml = "http://xml.buienradar.nl";
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_file($xml);
my $stationNode = "//weerstation[stationcode/text() = '$station']/";
my $stationName = "Regio ".$doc->findvalue($stationNode."/stationnaam/\@regio")." (".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/stationnaam/text()").")";
if($stationName eq "") {
# Darn, no station name found. This means we don't provided a correct id.
die "Error:\n"
."You have provided an invalid station code. (".$station.") Please use a correct one.\n\n"
# Output for config
if(defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
print "graph_title ".$stationName."\n";
print "graph_category Weather\n";
if($LAN eq "nl") {
# Dutch Language
if($TMP eq "yes") { print "tmp.label Temperatuur (C)\n"; }
if($TMP10CM eq "yes") { print "tmp10cm.label Temperatuur op 10cm (C)\n"; }
if($HUM eq "yes") { print "hum.label Luchtvochtigheid\n"; }
if($WSMS eq "yes") { print "wsms.label Windsnelheid (ms)\n"; }
if($WSBF eq "yes") { print "wsbf.label Windsnelheid (Bft)\n"; }
if($AP eq "yes") { print "ap.label Luchtdruk\n"; }
if($VIEW eq "yes") { print "view.label Zichtmeters\n"; }
if($GUSTS eq "yes") { print "gusts.label Windstoten (ms)\n"; }
if($RAIN eq "yes") { print "rain.label Regen (mm p/u)\n"; }
else {
# All other languages
if($TMP eq "yes") { print "tmp.label Temperature (C)\n"; }
if($TMP10CM eq "yes") { print "tmp10cm.label Temperature 10cm (C)\n"; }
if($HUM eq "yes") { print "hum.label Humidity\n"; }
if($WSMS eq "yes") { print "wsms.label Wind speed (ms)\n"; }
if($WSBF eq "yes") { print "wsbf.label Wind Speef (Bft)\n"; }
if($AP eq "yes") { print "ap.label Air pressure\n"; }
if($VIEW eq "yes") { print "view.label View (m)\n"; }
if($GUSTS eq "yes") { print "gusts.label Wind gusts (ms)\n"; }
if($RAIN eq "yes") { print "rain.label Rain (mm p/h)\n"; }
exit 0;
# Print the values
if($TMP eq "yes") { print "tmp.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/temperatuurGC/text()")."\n"; }
if($TMP10CM eq "yes") { print "tmp10cm.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/temperatuur10cm/text()")."\n"; }
if($HUM eq "yes") { print "hum.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/luchtvochtigheid/text()")."\n"; }
if($WSMS eq "yes") { print "wsms.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/windsnelheidMS/text()")."\n"; }
if($WSBF eq "yes") { print "wsbf.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/windsnelheidBF/text()")."\n"; }
if($AP eq "yes") { print "ap.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/luchtdruk/text()")."\n"; }
if($VIEW eq "yes") { print "view.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/zichtmeters/text()")."\n"; }
if($GUSTS eq "yes") { print "gusts.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/windstotenMS/text()")."\n"; }
if($RAIN eq "yes") { print "rain.value ".$doc->findnodes($stationNode."/regenMMPU/text()")."\n"; }
# Station codes
# Static, I know I could do this dynamically, but since they don't change regularly I choose this way
2011-04-05 10:43:31 +02:00
# so I could present two nice rows whitout having to write a buncgh of code... :P
sub print_stations {
return "Available station codes, updated last on April 4th 2011\n\n"
." [6391] Venlo (Station Arcen) [6275] Arnhem (Station Arnhem)\n"
." [6249] Berkhout (Station Berkhout) [6308] Cadzand (Station Cadzand)\n"
." [6260] Utrecht (Station Utrecht) [6235] Den Helder (Station Den Helder)\n"
." [6370] Eindhoven (Station Eindhoven) [6321] Noordzee (Station Euro platform)\n"
." [6350] Gilze Rijen (Station Gilze Rijen) [6323] Goes (Station Goes)\n"
." [6283] Oost-Overijssel (Station Groenlo-Hupsel) [6280] Groningen (Station Groningen)\n"
." [6315] Oost-Zeeland (Station Hansweert) [6278] Zwolle (Station Heino)\n"
." [6356] Gorinchem (Station Herwijnen) [6330] Hoek van Holland (Station Hoek van Holland)\n"
." [6311] Zuid-Zeeland (Station Hoofdplaat) [6279] Hoogeveen (Station Hoogeveen)\n"
." [6251] Wadden (Station Hoorn Terschelling) [6258] Enkhuizen-Lelystad (Station Houtribdijk)\n"
." [6285] Schiermonnikoog (Station Huibertgat) [6209] IJmond (Station IJmond)\n"
." [6225] IJmuiden (Station IJmuiden) [6210] Katwijk (Station Katwijk)\n"
." [6277] Noord-Groningen (Station Lauwersoog) [6320] Goeree (Station LE Goeree)\n"
." [6270] Leeuwarden (Station Leeuwarden) [6269] Lelystad (Station Lelystad)\n"
." [6348] West-Utrecht (Station Lopik-Cabauw) [6380] Maastricht (Station Maastricht)\n"
." [6273] Noordoostpolder (Station Marknesse) [6286] Oost-Groningen (Station Nieuw Beerta)\n"
." [6312] Oosterschelde (Station Oosterschelde) [6344] Rotterdam (Station Rotterdam)\n"
." [6343] Rotterdam Haven (Station Rotterdam Geulhaven) [6316] Schaar (Station Schaar)\n"
." [6240] Amsterdam (Station Schiphol) [6324] Midden-Zeeland (Station Stavenisse)\n"
." [6267] West-Friesland (Station Stavoren) [6229] Texel (Station Texelhors)\n"
." [6331] Tholen (Station Tholen) [6290] Twente (Station Twente)\n"
." [6313] West-Zeeland (Station Vlakte aan de Raan) [6242] Vlieland (Station Vlieland)\n"
." [6310] Vlissingen (Station Vlissingen) [6375] Uden (Station Volkel)\n"
." [6319] Terneuzen (Station Westdorpe) [6248] Hoorn (Station Wijdenes)\n"
." [6257] Wijk aan Zee (Station Wijk aan Zee) [6340] Woensdrecht (Station Woensdrecht)\n"
." [6239] Noordzee (Station Zeeplatform F-3) [6252] Noordzee (Station Zeeplatform K13)\n";