mirror of https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib.git synced 2018-11-08 00:59:34 +01:00

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2008-01-23 02:17:57 +01:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML;
my (%conf, $state, $have_read, $totlines);
%conf = (logfile => $ENV{LOGFILE} || '/home/user/.procmail/log',
state => $ENV{STATEFILE} || '/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/munin-plugin-procmail.state');
$state = YAML::LoadFile($conf{state});
$have_read = 0;
unless (-f $conf{logfile} and -r $conf{logfile}) {
die "$conf{logfile} does not exist or is not readable!" ;
if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
print "yes\n";
} elsif (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
print config();
} else {
print fetch();
# Update the offset, clear the numbers - Only when fetching!
$state->{offset} += $have_read;
$state->{folders}{$_} = 0 foreach keys %{$state->{folders}};
YAML::DumpFile($conf{state}, $state);
exit 0;
sub config {
# If config is ever called without having first a successful run, it should not die!
$state->{folders} ||= {};
print "graph_title Destination folders for Postfix\n",
"graph_vlabel Received mails\n",
"graph_category Mail\n",
"graph_info Gives you the total mails stored by Postfix by folder\n";
print "$_.label $_\n" foreach sort keys %{$state->{folders}};
sub fetch {
my ($fh);
if ($fh = open_log()) {
$state->{folders} ||= {};
while (my $folder = next_used_folder($fh)) {
print "$_.value $state->{folders}{$_}\n" foreach sort keys %{$state->{folders}};
sub next_used_folder {
my ($fh);
$fh = shift;
while (my $lin = <$fh>) {
next unless $lin =~ m!^\s*Folder: ([^\s/]+)!;
next unless $1;
return $1;
return undef;
sub open_log {
my ($fh, $offset, $lines_to_read);
$offset = get_log_offset();
$lines_to_read = $totlines - $offset;
open($fh, "tail -$lines_to_read $conf{logfile}|") or die $!;
return $fh;
sub get_log_size {
my $tot = `wc -l $conf{logfile}`;
$tot =~ /^(\d+) /;
return $totlines = $1;
sub get_log_offset {
my ($size);
# The offset is expressed as the number of lines to skip. We get to that
# point getting the total log size (get_log_size) and using tail for the
# difference. If the offset is larger than the file itself, we get it
# whole (it might have just been rotated).
$size = get_log_size();
$state->{offset} ||= 0;
$state->{offset} = 0 if $size < $state->{offset};
return $state->{offset};
sub hush {
return unless $ENV{FOLLOW};
warn @_;