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2009-05-26 11:49:39 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Plugin to show amount of individual outgoing smtp-replies per hour
# Contributed by H<>kon Nessj<73>en <lunatic@cpan.org>
# Magic markers - optional - used by installation scripts and
# munin-config:
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf
use strict;
my $logpath = $ENV{'logpath'} || '/usr/local/psa/var/log/';
if (exists $ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
if (-f "${logpath}maillog") {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print STDERR "no (Cannot find ${logpath}maillog. Please specify env.logpath)\n";
exit 1;
my %responses;
# '453' => 'You have no mail (atrn)',
# '503' => 'Bad sequence of commands',
my %descriptions = (
'250' => 'Mail delivery ok',
'421' => 'Service unavail or timeout',
'441' => 'No established connection',
'442' => 'Connection Died',
'450' => 'Mbox unavail or greylist',
'451' => 'Err processing or greylist',
'452' => 'Insufficient storage space',
'454' => 'TLS not available now',
'472' => 'DNS transaction timeout',
'500' => 'Unsolicited mail',
'501' => 'Syntax error',
'511' => 'Blocked or blacklisted',
'522' => 'Mailbox full',
'550' => 'Mailbox unavailable',
'551' => 'User not local',
'552' => 'Content or storage error',
'553' => 'Mailbox name not allowed',
'554' => 'Session failed or blocked',
'557' => 'Too many duplicate msgs'
#open(DATA,"cat ${logpath}maillog $logpath\@* | perl -ne'm/Remote_host_said:_(\\d+)/ && print \$1.\"\n\";' | sort | uniq -c|");
open(DATA,"grep -E '_\\(\\#4\\.4\\.1\\)|_\\(\\#4\\.4\\.2\\)|Remote_host_said:_' ${logpath}maillog | sed 's/_(\\#4\\.4\\.1)/\\/Remote_host_said:_441_/; s/_(\\#4\\.4\\.2)/\\/Remote_host_said:_442_/' | perl -ne'm/Remote_host_said:_(\\d+)/ && print \$1.\"\n\";' | sort -n | uniq -c|");
while (<DATA>) {
if (m/\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
$responses{$2} = $1;
if (exists $ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
print "graph_title Qmail outgoing SMTP replies\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 \n";
print "graph_vlabel replies/hour\n";
print "graph_category Mail\n";
print "graph_total Total\n" if (keys (%descriptions) > 1);
print "graph_info This graph shows qmail-send transaction response codes.\n";
print "graph_order res" . join(" res", sort by_code keys %descriptions) . "\n";
foreach (sort by_code keys %descriptions) {
my $name = 'res' . $_;
print "$name.label ";
print $_." ".$descriptions{$_}."\n";
print "$name.min 0\n";
print "$name.draw LINE1\n";
foreach (sort by_code keys %descriptions) {
#print "res$_.value ".int($responses{$_})."\n";
if (exists $responses{$_}) {
print "res$_.value $responses{$_}\n";
print "res$_.value 0\n";
sub by_code {
return $a cmp $b;