2014-12-25 21:23:05 +01:00
# Plugin to monitor ZFS Filesystems
# Author: Adam Michel (elfurbe@furbism.com)
# Description:
# This is an extension of the zfs_fs plugin
# modified as a multigraph to graph all zfs
# filesystems it can find
# Tested on Ubuntu-14.04
# Parameters understood:
# config (required)
# autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
#%# family=auto
if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
# Makes little sense to autoconf if you can't suggest
echo no
exit 0
if [ "$1" = "suggest" ]; then
exit 0
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
for i in `zfs list -Hp | awk '{print $1}'`; do
values=( $(zfs get -p usedbydataset,usedbychildren,usedbysnapshots,usedbyrefreservation,available,quota $i | awk 'BEGIN {total=0;} { if( NR==1 ) next; } !/quota/ {total=total+$3;} {print $3} END{print total;}') )
fsname=`echo $i | sed 's/\//__/g'`
echo <<EOF "multigraph zfs_list_$fsname
graph_title $fsname usage
graph_order usedbydataset usedbychildren usedbysnapshots usedbyrefreservation available total quota
graph_args --base 1024 -r -l 0 --vertical-label Bytes --upper-limit ${values[6]}
graph_info This graph shows how is used a zfs filesystems.
2017-02-21 22:15:07 +01:00
graph_category fs
2014-12-25 21:23:05 +01:00
graph_period second
usedbydataset.label UsedByDataset
usedbydataset.draw AREA
usedbydataset.info Used space by Dataset
usedbydataset.colour FF0000
usedbychildren.label UsedByChildren
usedbychildren.draw STACK
usedbychildren.info Used space by children
usedbychildren.colour FFCC33
usedbysnapshots.label UsedBySnapshots
usedbysnapshots.draw STACK
usedbysnapshots.info Used space by snapshot
usedbysnapshots.colour 0000FF
usedbyrefreservation.label Usedbyrefreservation
usedbyrefreservation.draw STACK
usedbyrefreservation.info Used space by Ref Reservation
usedbyrefreservation.colour 33CCFF
available.label Available
available.draw STACK
available.info Free space
available.colour 00FF00
total.label Total
total.draw LINE1
total.info Total
total.colour 000000
quota.label Quota
quota.draw LINE1
quota.info Quota
quota.colour 555555"
exit 0
for i in `zfs list -Hp | awk '{print $1}'`; do
values=( $(zfs get -p usedbydataset,usedbychildren,usedbysnapshots,usedbyrefreservation,available,quota $i | awk 'BEGIN {total=0;} { if( NR==1 ) next; } !/quota/ {total=total+$3;} {print $3} END{print total;}') )
fsname=`echo $i | sed 's/\//__/g'`
echo <<EOF "multigraph zfs_list_$fsname
usedbydataset.value ${values[0]}
usedbysnapshots.value ${values[2]}
usedbychildren.value ${values[1]}
usedbyrefreservation.value ${values[3]}
available.value ${values[4]}
total.value ${values[6]}
quota.value ${values[5]}"
exit 0