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2011-03-15 14:30:58 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
Plugin to monitor Wowza streaming servers.
Author: Srijan Choudhary <srijan4@gmail.com>
Version: 2011031507
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- Link or copy to /etc/munin/plugins
- To enable extra graphs, also link to one or more of the
possible links (given below)
- Then restart munin-node
Links possible:
<default> total number of listeners in wowza
wowza_duration duration of listeners (avg and mdn)
wowza_vhost_listeners number of listeners per vhost
wowza_vhost_duration duration of listeners per vhost
wowza_vhost_uptime uptime of vhosts
wowza_app_listeners number of listeners per application
wowza_app_duration duration of listeners per application
wowza_app_uptime uptime of applications
- Enter your server, username, and password below
(The plugin does not need to run on the same host
as the Wowza media server)
- Optionally provide clients to exclude
- Optionally provide apps to exclude
- Optionally provide vhosts to exclude
Possible TODOs:
- use autoconf
- use munin's configuration system
from __future__ import print_function
from sys import argv, exit, stderr
import urllib2
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
from os.path import basename
server = ""
user = "admin"
pw = "password"
# Exclude these in all calculations
client_exclude = ("")
app_exclude = ("testapp")
vhost_exclude = ("testhost")
url = "http://%s/serverinfo" %server
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
passman.add_password(None, url, user, pw)
authhandler = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(passman)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
tree = ElementTree()
vhosts = []
for vh in tree.iter("VHost"):
if vh.find("Name").text not in vhost_exclude:
applications = []
for app in vh.iter("Application"):
if app.find("Name").text not in app_exclude:
if app.find("Status").text == "loaded":
clients = []
for client in app.iter("Client"):
if client.find("IpAddress").text not in client_exclude:
clients.append({"ClientId": client.find("ClientId").text,
"FlashVersion": client.find("FlashVersion").text,
"IpAddress": client.find("IpAddress").text,
"TimeRunning": float(client.find("TimeRunning").text),
"DateStarted": client.find("DateStarted").text,
"URI": client.find("URI").text,
"Protocol": client.find("Protocol").text,
"IsSSL": client.find("IsSSL").text,
"IsEncrypted": client.find("IsEncrypted").text,
"Port": client.find("Port").text
applications.append({"Name": app.find("Name").text,
"Status": app.find("Status").text,
"TimeRunning": float(app.find("TimeRunning").text),
"ConnectionsCurrent" : app.find("ConnectionsCurrent").text,
"ConnectionsTotal": app.find("ConnectionsTotal").text,
"ConnectionsTotalAccepted" : app.find("ConnectionsTotalAccepted").text,
"ConnectionsTotalRejected" : app.find("ConnectionsTotalRejected").text,
"Clients": clients})
applications.append({"Name": app.find("Name").text,
"Status": app.find("Status").text,
"TimeRunning": float(0),
"ConnectionsCurrent" : 0,
"ConnectionsTotal": 0,
"ConnectionsTotalAccepted" : 0,
"ConnectionsTotalRejected" : 0,
"Clients": []})
vhosts.append({"Name": vh.find("Name").text,
"TimeRunning": float(vh.find("TimeRunning").text),
"ConnectionsLimit": vh.find("ConnectionsLimit").text,
"ConnectionsCurrent" : vh.find("ConnectionsCurrent").text,
"ConnectionsTotal": vh.find("ConnectionsTotal").text,
"ConnectionsTotalAccepted" : vh.find("ConnectionsTotalAccepted").text,
"ConnectionsTotalRejected" : vh.find("ConnectionsTotalRejected").text,
"Applications": applications})
plugin_name = basename(argv[0])
if argv[1] == "config":
if plugin_name == "wowza_duration":
print ("graph_title Wowza clients listening duration")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel minutes")
print ("avg.label average listening duration")
print ("mdn.label median listening duration")
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_listeners":
print ("graph_title Wowza listeners count by vhosts")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel listeners")
is_first = True
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,".label vhost: ",vh["Name"],sep='')
if is_first:
print (vname,".draw AREA",sep='')
is_first = False
print (vname,".draw STACK",sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_duration":
print ("graph_title Wowza clients listening duration by vhosts")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel minutes")
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,"_avg.label average listening duration for ",vh["Name"],sep='')
print (vname,"_mdn.label median listening duration for ",vh["Name"],sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_uptime":
print ("graph_title Wowza vhosts uptime")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel hours")
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,".label vhost: ",vh["Name"],sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_listeners":
print ("graph_title Wowza listeners count by apps")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel listeners")
is_first = True
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
for app in vh["Applications"]:
aname = app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,"_",aname,".label vhost.app: ",vh["Name"],".",app["Name"],sep='')
if is_first:
print (vname,"_",aname,".draw AREA",sep='')
is_first = False
print (vname,"_",aname,".draw STACK",sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_duration":
print ("graph_title Wowza clients listening duration by apps")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel minutes")
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
for app in vh["Applications"]:
aname = app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,"_",aname,"_avg.label average listening duration for ",vh["Name"],".",app["Name"],sep='')
print (vname,"_",aname,"_mdn.label median listening duration for ",vh["Name"],".",app["Name"],sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_uptime":
print ("graph_title Wowza apps uptime")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel hours")
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
for app in vh["Applications"]:
aname = app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
print (vname,"_",aname,".label vhost.app: ",vh["Name"],".",app["Name"],sep='')
else: # wowza_listeners
print ("graph_title Wowza listeners count")
print ("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print ("graph_scale no")
print ("graph_category Wowza")
print ("graph_vlabel listeners")
print ("wowza_listeners.label Total Listeners")
print ("wowza_listeners.draw AREA")
except IndexError:
if plugin_name == "wowza_duration":
alldurations = []
for vh in vhosts:
for app in vh["Applications"]:
for client in app["Clients"]:
if len(alldurations) == 0:
average = 0
average = (sum(alldurations) / float(len(alldurations)) / 60.)
print ("avg.value ",average,sep='')
if len(alldurations) % 2:
median = alldurations[len(alldurations) / 2] / 60.
elif len(alldurations):
median = (alldurations[len(alldurations) / 2 - 1] + alldurations[len(alldurations) / 2]) / 2. / 60.
median = 0
print ("mdn.value ",median,sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_listeners":
for vh in vhosts:
print (vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),".value ",vh["ConnectionsCurrent"],sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_duration":
alldurations = {}
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
alldurations[vh["Name"]] = []
for app in vh["Applications"]:
for client in app["Clients"]:
if len(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) == 0:
average = 0
average = (sum(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) / float(len(alldurations[vh["Name"]])) / 60.)
print (vname,"_avg.value ",average,sep='')
if len(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) % 2:
median = alldurations[vh["Name"]][len(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) / 2] / 60.
elif len(alldurations):
median = (alldurations[vh["Name"]][len(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) / 2 - 1] + alldurations[vh["Name"]][len(alldurations[vh["Name"]]) / 2]) / 2. / 60.
median = 0
print (vname,"_mdn.value ",median,sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_vhost_uptime":
for vh in vhosts:
print (vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),".value ",vh["TimeRunning"]/3600.,sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_listeners":
for vh in vhosts:
for app in vh["Applications"]:
print (vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),"_",app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),".value ",app["TimeRunning"],sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_duration":
alldurations = {}
for vh in vhosts:
vname = vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
for app in vh["Applications"]:
aname = app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
name = ''.join([vname,'_',aname])
alldurations[name] = []
for client in app["Clients"]:
if len(alldurations[name]) == 0:
average = 0
average = (sum(alldurations[name]) / float(len(alldurations[name])) / 60.)
print (name,"_avg.value ",average,sep='')
if len(alldurations[name]) % 2:
median = alldurations[name][len(alldurations[name]) / 2] / 60.
elif len(alldurations):
median = (alldurations[name][len(alldurations[name]) / 2 - 1] + alldurations[name][len(alldurations[name]) / 2]) / 2. / 60.
median = 0
print (name,"_mdn.value ",median,sep='')
elif plugin_name == "wowza_app_uptime":
for vh in vhosts:
for app in vh["Applications"]:
print (vh["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),"_",app["Name"].strip("/").replace(".","_").replace("-","_"),".value ",app["TimeRunning"]/3600.,sep='')
else: # wowza_listeners
listeners = 0
for vh in vhosts:
listeners += int(vh["ConnectionsCurrent"])
print ("wowza_listeners.value ",listeners,sep='')