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2011-06-10 17:10:20 +02:00
error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ); //to avoid of the crap generation
/* // do not remove this line
Murmur users online grapher PHP using ICE
ver 0.4 2011.06.10, 15:44
author _KaszpiR_ kaszpir at gmail dot com
code is under GPL
- PHP installed in CLI (so you can run it in command line)
Make sure the first line of this file points to the pworking php cli inrepreter
- ICE framework on server
- Murmur server with ICE enabled
1. link creation
create a symlink to thie file in the following format:
where ip/port correspond to the ip and port on which the mumble ice interface listens to
sid is the server id we want to query (mumble can run multiple servers )
description - any kind of short text where _ will be replaced with spaces
By default script tries to connect and query server id 1
2. ice profile configuration
This is not needed with ice 3.4.1
Scroll down in this file and change
$ice_profile = 'Murmur';
to the profile that is installed on the server, this is required if you have multiple Ice profiles for various applicaitions.
Script returns:
channels number = number of existing channels on server (with temoprary ones)
players number = number of all connected users on server
registered number = number of connected and registered users on server
unregistered number = number of connected and not registered users on server
chanlinks number = linked chanels
error number = this is set to 1 when there is error with communicatind with server via ice
On any error script exits with status 1, otherwise it is 0.
- ver 0.4 2011.06.10, 15:44 stable
fix for ICE 3.4.1 that does not use Ice_loadprofile() function
extended description
fixed typos
fixed warning messages in logs
- ver 0.3 2011.04.2, 12:32 stable
- ver 0.2 2010.02.16 beta
some minor fixes
- ver 0.1 2009.03.13 alpha
first private release
- load iceprofile from env var
*/ //do not remove this line
$ice_profile = 'Murmur';
// Define STDIN in case if it is not already defined by PHP for some reason
define("STDIN", fopen('php://stdin','r'));
define("STDERR", fopen('php://stderr','w'));
list($dummy,$ip,$port,$serverid,$desc) = explode("_",$argv[0],5);
if(!$ip) $ip="";
if(!$port) $port=6502;
if(!$serverid) $serverid=1;
//autoconf test
if(isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "autoconf")
fwrite(STDOUT, "No\n");
fwrite(STDERR, "symlink ".$argv[0]." to somethilg like ".$argv[0]."_127.0.0.1_6502_1_description_here \n");
return 0;
//config, set rrd files
if(isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "config")
// yea dirty hack
echo "graph_title Mumble Users".($desc?" on ".str_replace("_"," ",$desc):"")."\n";
echo "graph_vlabel Connected Users\n";
echo "graph_category VoIP\n";
echo "graph_info This graph shows the number of connected users on a murmur server\n";
echo "channels.label Chans\n";
echo "players.label Total Users\n";
echo "registered.label Registerd\n";
echo "unregistered.label Unregistered\n";
echo "chanlinks.label Linked chans\n";
echo "error.label Server status error\n";
foreach($arr as $field){
echo "".$field.".draw LINE1\n";
echo "".$field.".type GAUGE\n";
return 0;
}else {
echo "RTFM\n";
return 1;
return 0;
//echo "Serverid:".$serverid."\n";
if (Ice_intversion() >= 30400) {
require 'Ice.php';
require 'Murmur.php';
} else {
try {
if (Ice_intversion() >= 30400) {
$initData = new Ice_InitializationData;
$initData->properties = Ice_createProperties();
$initData->properties->setProperty("Ice.MessageSizeMax", "65536");
$ICE = Ice_initialize($initData);
$base = $ICE->stringToProxy("Meta:tcp -h ".$ip." -p ".$port);
$meta = $base->ice_checkedCast("::Murmur::Meta");
$servers = $meta->getBootedServers();
$default = $meta->getDefaultConf();
foreach($servers as $s) {
$name = $s->getConf("registername");
if (! $name) {
$name = $default["registername"];
if($s->id() !=$serverid) continue;
$chanlist = $s->getChannels();
$channels = count($chanlist);
foreach($chanlist as $chan=>$c){
$players = $s->getUsers();
foreach($players as $id => $p) {
if($p->userid ==-1)
} catch (Ice_LocalException $ex) {
fwrite(STDERR,"ERROR: IP=".$ip.", Port=".$port.", Id=".$serverid."\n");
echo "channels.value 0\n";
echo "players.value 0\n";
echo "registered.value 0\n";
echo "unregistered.value 0\n";
echo "chanlinks.value ".$links."\n";
echo "error.value 1\n";
return 1;
echo "channels.value ".$channels."\n";
echo "players.value ".($online_noreg+$online_reg)."\n";
echo "registered.value ".$online_reg."\n";
echo "unregistered.value ".$online_noreg."\n";
echo "chanlinks.value ".$links."\n";
echo "error.value 0\n";
return 0;